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vious to GUI' return to Sydney- If I had not known something of the richness<br />

of the vegetation of this place before going there, my impression on entering<br />

the harbour would have been that it was the most barren place in existence.<br />

Tlie harbour is well slieltered, and the township large, considering the age<br />

of the settlement ; but the bare-looking hills which surround it, destitute of<br />

vegetation, save a coarse grass, render Noumea anything but prepossessing or<br />

jiicturesque. There is, I think, a want of- taste on' the pai-t of the French<br />

Government, having the facilities which they possess,—convict laboui*, etc., for<br />

the improvement of the appearance of the place. They would only have to<br />

send seven miles to find a collection of large and truly ornamental trees, such<br />

as it would be impossible to equal elsewhere ;<br />

they could be procured in a few<br />

hours, and planted upon those barren-looking hills which are composed of<br />

really good soil. Kew Caledonia will yet, I think, from its fine genial climate<br />

and its suitability for the growth of almost anything, be a centre of attraction<br />

for thousands. Even now men of small means might soon gain an independ-<br />

ence by industry. Land can be had at a cheap rate, and convict labour too.<br />

In a botanical way New Caledonia wiU, I have no doubt (and it is my inten-<br />

tion to visit it soon again), produce a greater variety of plants than most<br />

islands in the Pacific. Unfortunately I spent but one day, and that a pouring<br />

wet one, in the mountains a few miles above the " Model Farm." In spite of<br />

the rain, however, I succeeded in collecting some interesting plants. A suc-<br />

cession of very pleasing cascades occiirs between two very steep mountains to<br />

the right of the farm. These steeps are literally covered with vegetation, which<br />

in every respect is far more luxuriant than any I have seen in the Samoas.<br />

The rugged pavement of stones embedded in rich volcanic or vegetable soil<br />

clothed with Mosses, Lichens, and Fungi ; climbers covered with moss, like<br />

ropes hanging loosely, or binding the decaying vegetation with the living<br />

Selaginellas, and Ferns of all kinds,<br />

—<br />

Bletia, Crinum, Dianella, and a variety<br />

of other plants under foot, and luxuriant beyond description, are here to be<br />

met with; and overhead, at considerable height, tlie massive green boughs of<br />

tlie taller trees, whose stems and larger branches profusely ornamented with<br />

parasites and epiphytes, together with numerous climbers, form a canopy<br />

beneath which the sun seldom or never gleams, and presents a picture of vege-<br />

table luxuriance such as language cannot describe, nor the talents of an artist<br />

do justice to. Conspicuous during my walk through more open spaces were<br />

the Elceocarpus persicifoUa, with its large blue berries ; a Psychotria, with<br />

ricli rosy-pink blossoms ; the^yellow flowers of Oxera pulchella, and the snowy<br />

white ones of Eranthemum tuherculatum, and also of a species of Murraya,<br />

having a perfume stronger than that of Orange blossom. These, togetlier<br />

with numerous individuals of Oeissois, Erythi-ina, Grewia, Windmannia,<br />

HarUyhsea, Desmodium, Acacia, Cycrostema, Asclepias, Melodinus, and<br />

Eugenia, also masses of Ileiiconia and of Marattia, added much to interest<br />

me during my ramble.<br />

At the " Model Farm " many branches of industry are cari-ied on by convicts.<br />

In one of the granaries I was shown by M. Boutan, a gentleman who manages<br />

the whole establishment, some ten or twelve tons of rice, of good quality, whicli<br />


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