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116<br />


CORACANA, Gaertii.<br />

By H. F. H^nce, Ph.D.<br />

In the ueighbourhood of Canton, where this cereal is sometimes<br />

sparingly cultivated, the common native name, as obtained from the<br />

peasantrj^ by Mr. Sampson, is Kai-keuk-kuk, literally " fowl's-foot<br />

arrain." I have thought this worth noting;, because, bv a curious<br />

coincidence, the closely allied Eleusiiie Indica Vjears in Spain, according<br />

to Willkomm (Prodr. Fl. Hisp. i. 46), a precisely similar name,<br />

" Pie de gallo."<br />

These are various instances of similar nomenclature amongst Ch-a-<br />

miue(s, t.y. our own " Cock's-foot grass" (^DactyUs), and Leptochloa<br />

arabica, Kunth, which, according to Bertoloni (Fl. Ital. i. 579), is<br />

called "Pie di gaUo raspeUone" in Italy; but in no genus is the<br />

popular term so appropriate as in Eleimne, and it is, doubtless, to this<br />

circumstance that we must ascribe the coincidence just alluded to.<br />


The first time that I met with this beautiful Hygrophorus was in<br />

November, 1847, when a few specimens of it were gi-owiug on the<br />

mossy lawn at Wick House, between Brislington and Bristol, a station<br />

which, as far as I know, remains undisturbed, although the Hauham<br />

one is destroyed. T showed my drawing of it at the time to the late<br />

Mr. H. O. Stephens, but he could give me no information respecting<br />

it, and it was not till some years later that I leamt its specific name.<br />

Since then I have seen it\three several seasons, and in three different<br />

localities near Kenilworth. Is it, therefore, so rare a species as is<br />

supposed ? The last time I met with it was in 1866, but I never saw-<br />

more than a few plants in each spot. It is very lovely, and might<br />

almost be mistaken, at a little distance, for buds of Cohhicum auiiim-<br />

iiale, so pm'e and delicate is its colour.<br />

Kenilworth, March IQth, 1869.<br />

Akna Russell.<br />

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