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fi'equentlj happens that a most pi'omising Roccella even proves worthless, and<br />

is, as such, cast aside. 5. Colour-reaction, though interestuig in itself in con-<br />

nection with the general suhjeet of lichen colorific or colouring matters, affords<br />

no aid that can be depended on, either {a) to the SA'steniatist in defining species,<br />

or {h) to the dye manufacturer in determining the value of his " orchella weed."<br />

II. Notice of a Journey from Dcyrah Dhoon to Jumnotri. Part 1. By Mr.<br />

William Bell. III. Remarks on some Deep-Sea Dredguirrg, transmitted by<br />

Captain William Chimmo. By Professor Dickie. The dredgings, which were<br />

taken by Captain Chimmo from great depths in the Atlantic, immediately<br />

under the Gulf stream, at 2000 fathoms, in lat. 47° 3' N. ; long. 23° 21' W.,<br />

and at 600 fathoms in lat. 45° 42' N., and long. 47° 39' W., had been minutely<br />

examiued by Professor Dickie. He found that in the matter from 2000 fathoms<br />

there were two Diatoms, one identical with Coscinodiscus minor, and the other<br />

a species of Cocconeis, which he had not yet determined. lie had treated<br />

some of the material with weak acid, in order to judge, from the amount of<br />

sarcode left, whether the forauiinifera (which were abundant) were living, or<br />

merely the shells after death and decay. He had come to the conclusion that<br />

they were living, but whether the Diatoms mentioned were so he could not<br />

say. Among the material he found several species of Poli/ci/s/ida. Specimens<br />

of the dredgings were shown under the microscope. IV. Notice of the Occurrence<br />

o? Amhlystegimn confervoides, Bruch and Scliimper, in Westmoreland, by<br />

Mr. J. M. Barnes. Communicated by Mr. P. N. Fraser. Mr. Barnes gathered<br />

this moss in 1867, in considerable abundance on loose stones in damp wood<br />

near Levens. He has gathered it in many ditferent places since. It always<br />

occurs on limestone, and is apt to be overlooked for a small form of A. serpens.<br />

Specimens were exhibited and presented by Mr. Barnes to the herb:irium. V.<br />

Report on the Open Air Vegetation, at the Royal Botanic Garden. By Mr.<br />

M'Nab. VI. Miscellaneous Communications. 1. Aster sal/gnus.—A note<br />

was read from Miss Becver, recording the occurrence of Aster salignus on the<br />

shore of Derwentwater, where it was collected by Miss Edmonds, in 1868, in<br />

flower. This plant also occurs near Cambridge, and in several places on the<br />

banks of the Tay, between Dalguise and Seggieden. In one locality below<br />

Perth, Dr. White remarks that it is associated with several introduced plants,<br />

such as Linaria repens, Petasites alba, Sanguisorba Canadensis, Mimulus<br />

luteus. Crocus vernus, and Karcissus Pseudo-narcissus, which are all more or<br />

less common, and well established along the banks of the river. In France,<br />

Aster Novi-Belffi seems to ho^d the same place as A. salignus does in Britain —<br />

that of an exotic plant, well established on the banks of several rivers, as near<br />

Strasbourg, Laugre, and Lyons. 2. Rare British Mosses.—A note was read<br />

from Mr. James Hardy, Old Cambus, enclosing specimens of Dicramim elon-<br />

galv.m, which he collected near the summit of Hedgeiiope, Nortlumiberland,<br />

in July last ; and recording the occurrence of Bicranodontium, aristatum, in<br />

Roxburghshire, where it was first gathered by Mr. Jerdon in 1864, and Orimviia<br />

contorta, on the Cheviots, collected by himself in May, 1868. Mr. Hardy<br />

is at present engaged in drawing up a list of the Berwickshu-e Mosses, which<br />

will shortly be published.

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