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divia (and wliich Philippi has described under tlie name of Lepidothamnium),<br />

as well as Mltraria coccinea, not before obtained to the south of the Chpnos<br />

Archipelago. We arrived at the fort of San Carlos, Cliiloe, at the close of<br />

March, and remained there about a fortnight, and I was greatly interested in<br />

the striking character of the yegetatiou. Here I saw for tlie first time thickets<br />

of an arboreous grass of the genus Chusquea ; Myriacea, Bromeliacete, Escal-<br />

lonias, and Fuchsias constituted a very prominent feature. The trunks of<br />

many of the trees were covered with Sarmienta repens, and their branches with<br />

a scarlet Loranthns ; and Gunnera scabra covered mauy of the sandstone cliffs<br />

with its large Rhubarb-like leaves. Other conspicuous plants were a yellowflowered<br />

Loasa and Berberis Darwinii, and last, but not least, our common<br />

Digitalis, which has completely naturalized itself. We left the Bay of San<br />

Carlos on the 12th of April, to return to the channels, passing between Chiloe<br />

and tlie mainland, and calling at two forts in the island on our way. At the<br />

first of these (Cava Oscura) I found Tricuspidaria in flower, and was consider-<br />

ably puzzled as to its affinities (Dr. Hooker has since set me right with regard<br />

to it). The drooping crimson flowers give tlie tree a most remarkable appear-<br />

ance. Our next halting-place was Port Otway (Cape Tres Montes). I<br />

spent an afternoon on shore there, and found Veronica decussata growing<br />

6 to 8 feet high, and a beautiful Gcsneraceous creeper, wliich I took for a<br />

species of Brymonia, but which I am inclined to suppose to be a Colum-<br />

nea. We entered the Messier Channel on the 17th of April, and remained<br />

thei'e for about a month, sxu-veying the harbours, during which we<br />

had almost perpetual i-ain. I was interested by procuring in several locali-<br />

ties specimens of a handsome Bignoniaceous creeper with rose-coloured flowers,<br />

and was in hopes that it might prove new, but have since found that it has<br />

been previously procured from Valdivia, being Philippi's Tecoma Valdiviana.<br />

It does not appear to have been met before to the south of Valdivia, so this<br />

di-covery of it in the channels extends its distribution several hundred miles.<br />

I have not said anything yet about the Cryptogamic plants of the channels.<br />

There are some very beautiful ferns (chiefly HymenophyllecB), Musci and<br />

Licliens : but the greater number of them occur also in Chiloe and the south<br />

parts of Chili, and I did not meet with such a great number of species as I was<br />

led to expect. One, a species of Sypopterygium, greatly delighted me by the<br />

beauty of its growth, resembling that of a miniature Palm-tree. We left the<br />

channels in tlie middle of May, as tlie weather was so inveterately bad that<br />

surveying operations were reaidered impossible, and, after a short stay at<br />

Chiloe, set out for Valparaiso, calling at Lota and Concepcion on the way. At<br />

Lota I saw for the first time that splendid creeper, the Copigne {Lapageria<br />

rosea). It was in great glory, flourishing even in the vicinity of the copper-<br />

smelting works, where almost all other plants were killed by the sulphureous<br />

smoke. We reached Valparaiso on the 12th of June, and remained till the end<br />

of July, having an extensive experience of northerly gales, accompanied by<br />

rain. As it was winter when we arrived, but few plants were in flower. A<br />

little yellow Oxalis, known to the Chilians by the title of ' Flor de Perding,'<br />

formed bright-coloured patches on the hills, and a Fuchsia with small pink

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