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86 . MEMOUANDA.<br />

susceptors seek only to be secured from personal loss— possess a more complete<br />

manual for tlie floras of Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Syria, and Western<br />

Asia, than for that of the Iberian penhisula ; whilst Italy, so long distracted<br />

and misgoverned, besides innumerable local Florulas, and the works of Moris<br />

and Gussone for Sardinia and Sicily, has given us a complete Flora of the<br />

country in ten volumes, and another in course of publication which will pro-<br />

bably attain equal length.<br />

My object in addressing to you this communication, which I earnestly hope<br />

may meet the eyes of Prof. Wilkomm, is to point out that, under the altered<br />

political circumstances of Spain, and with a growing desire for enhghtenment,<br />

an application to the Government to subscribe for 50 or 100 copies, to be<br />

placed in the principal libraries, could scarcely fail to meet with a ready and<br />

favourable response.<br />

I trust my suggestion will not be neglected, and that its success may prevent<br />

a calamity which would demonstrate too clearly that, whUe many talk of the<br />

progress of our science, there can be comparatively few who take a real interest<br />

in it.<br />

Whampoa, China, Decemher 11, 18G8.<br />


H. F. Hakce.<br />

The Rev. J. E. Leefe requests us to announce that he is now prepared to<br />

send off copies of the 6.vst fasciculus of the ' Salictum Exsiecatum,' postage paid,<br />

on the i-eceipt of 8*., either in stamps or by Post Otlice order. Address,<br />

Cupwell Vicarage, Morpeth.<br />

The Wollastyn Fund has been awarded by the Council of the Gcolooical<br />

Society to Mr. W. Carruthers, of the British Museum, in consideration of his<br />

researches in fossil botany.<br />

A Memor of the late Professor Harvey, of Dublin, has just been published<br />

by Messrs. Bell and Daldy.<br />

Dr. H. C. Wood lias discovered a plant growing in a hot spring at Benton,<br />

Owen's Valley, California. The temperature of the spring is often 160 degrees.<br />

The plant he names Nosioc caladarium. It not only grows freely in water of<br />

this very great temperature, b\it supports on itself a simpler structure, which he<br />

has designated Chroococcus thermophilus.<br />

The Pinks of Califoiima.—At a recent meeting of the Cahfornia Academy<br />

of Sciences, Dr. Bolauder said there were but fifteen species indigenous<br />

to the State. Of Firs there were but four. He said Mr. Murray had a fifth,<br />

which he called Picea magnijica, which was but P. amabilis. He thought the<br />

European botanists multiplied species in the interest of seedsmen, as there was<br />

such a demand in Europe for seeds oi new things.<br />

Thuja and Libocedrus.—We have been requested, by Mr. Robert Brown,<br />

to correct au error which has crept into liis " Monograph of the Coniferous

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