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vegetation of tlie Cretaceous period, and all of them are members of<br />

the European Miocenes.<br />

Among the Ferns from the Tertiary strata is an Onoclea, which<br />

Professor Newberry cannot distinguish from the living American 0.<br />

sensibilis, and whicli he considers the same as Fillcitis ? Hehridicus,<br />

Forbes, from the Miocene beds of Mull.<br />


Wllkomm and Lange's Sjjanisk Flora.<br />

W. Cakruthers,<br />

"Terra ferax Cererej miiltoque feracior uvis."—Ovid, Aia., ii. W. 7.<br />

Dear Sir,— At page 239 of jour fourth volume you state tliat, unless a few<br />

more subscribei-s can be obtained, the publication of Wilkomm and Lanfje's<br />

' Prodromus Florse Hispanicse ' must be discontinued.<br />

It is now exactly thirty years since the late Philip Barker Webb expressed<br />

a hope that Spanish botanists would at length awaken from their virvov \T]Qapyov<br />

fiadvv, and endow science with a complete CMtalogue of what he rightly cha-<br />

racterized as "tlie richest acd most varied flora in Europe."<br />

This appeal has been partially responded to by Colmeiro, Costa, Graells, and<br />

a few others, whilst Webb, Boissier, Reuter, Kunze, Cosson, and Gay have<br />

done still more towards the description of Spanish plants. Nevertheless, wiiile<br />

the vegetation of every other Europeau country is critically illustrated, in one<br />

or more standard works, Spain and Portugal alone have no Flora, tlie extensive<br />

and valuable collections made of late years, amongst wliich the magnificent<br />

ones of Bourgeau stand pre-eminent, though worked up more or less completely,<br />

having never been brought together and revised by a competent botanist,<br />

familiar with the country.<br />

To collect these disjecta memhra, and study them comparatively from a uniform<br />

point of view, was the task undertaken by Professors Wilkomm and<br />

Lange ; and, so far as the work has progressed, it must be admitted that, as<br />

regards scientific accuracy in the diagnoses, fulness in the indications of geo-<br />

graphical distribution, and neatness in tlie typography, it has been admirably<br />

executed.<br />

It seems scarcely credible, and is a reproach to European botanists, that a<br />

work of this nature, of inestimable value for the study of the statistics of the<br />

vegetation of our continent, should not have met with sufBcient support to<br />

cover the expense of publication. If Boissier's ' Flora Orientalis ' proceeds<br />

with the steadiness and rapidity which the circumstance that the material<br />

must already, to a great extent, be prepared and arranged, gives fair reason to<br />

expect, we sliaU in a few years— unless some effort is made to prevent the<br />

abandonment of an undertaking for which the materials exist, and whereof the

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