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It has been suggested that this family should be synonymized with the Arthopyreniaceae. I prefer to keep<br />

it separate on the basis of physes which are more intricately and densely branched and interconnected,<br />

differently shaped asci, differently shaped ascospores and elliptical (not rod-shaped) microconidia. The<br />

differences do not seem major but I think that the relationships of the Xanthopyreniaceae probably lie<br />

elsewhere in some "non-lichenized" family. Also since I have invested considerable energy in making the<br />

Arthopyreniaceae homogeneous, I am reluctant to "mess it up". The inclusion of Zwackhiomyces is basically<br />

arbitrary. There are few useful characters avaiable to place these simple/highly reduced taxa. Essentially<br />

there are no characters which would exclude Zwackhiomyces from the Xanthopyreniaceae but equally there<br />

are no unique shared characters to support inclusion. Collemopsidium Nyl. and Didymellopsis (Saccardo)<br />

Clements & Shear are also homeless and if the positioning of Zwackhiomyces in the Xanthopyreniaceae<br />

works out, perhaps, they too could be dumped here.<br />

1. Associated with cyanobacteria; pigment in ascomatal wall amorphous, located<br />

in the hyphal cell wall; ascospores thin-walled, readily collapsing, not becoming<br />

brownish and granular-roughened .....................................................................................Pyrenocollema<br />

1. Parasitic or parasymbiontic on lichens with green algal photobiont; pigment in<br />

ascomatal wall fine granular, located between hyphae; ascospores with thicker<br />

wall, not readily collapsing (until overmature), becoming brownish and granular<br />

ornamented ..................................................................................................................... [Zwackhiomyces]<br />


In my thesis I pointed out the problems involved in defining species in Pyrenocollema. They have not<br />

been resolved and even seem to have worsened. The major unresolved questions are: does the<br />

host/photobiont matter (and therefore does the rock substrate matter, i.e., preference of the cyanobacteria) or<br />

should the taxonomy be based entirely on fungal characters?<br />

1. Fresh water aquatics, semi-aquatics or on rock in moist places...............................................................2<br />

2. Photobiont blue-green in color; on calcareous rock .............................................................................. 3<br />

3. Ascomata sessile to semi-immersed, ascospores 17-23 × 8-11 µm;<br />

eastern United States ..................................................[P. prospersellum (Nyl.) R. C. Harris]<br />

3. Ascomata immersed, with a broad clypeus; ascospores 18-23 × 8-9.5 µm;<br />

Bermuda............................................................................................ [P. farlowii (Riddle) R. C. Harris<br />

2. Photobiont yellow brown to brown due to colored sheath (Gleocapsa-like)<br />

or thallus dark brown ............................................................................................................................ 4<br />

4. Growing on limestone; ascspores 16-18(-20) × 5-7 µm; Monroe County<br />

(Key West), Puerto Rico.............................................................P. atlanticum (Vainio) R. C. Harris<br />

4. Growing on a variety of rock, usually ± aquatic; ascospores<br />

(18-)20-27 × 8-11 µm; temperate North America, Europe ..................................................................<br />

.....................................................................................[P. tichothecioides (Arnold) R. C. Harris s. lat.]<br />

1. Marine, in tidal zone ....................................................................... [P. halodytes (Nyl.) R. C. Harris s. lat.]<br />

[In my thesis I took a very broad view of this species. It is divided in Purvis et al. (1992) as follows.<br />

I am not sure at this time how this view applies in North America.<br />

A. On calcareous rocks or shells; clypeus absent or not spreading;<br />

ascomata not cracked around ostiole ................................................................................................B<br />


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