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11. Isidia cylindrical .............................................................................................................. 12<br />

12. Isidia common, often obpyriform, constricted at base<br />

and broadest just above base; atranorin and parvifoliin;<br />

ascospores 6.5-10 × 2.5-3.5 µm; south to<br />

Sarasota County .................................................... P. corallina var. rappiana Brako<br />

12. Isidia rare, cylindrical; squamules mostly with marginal<br />

proliferations; no substances; seen by me only from<br />

South Carolina........................................[P. corallina (Eschw.) Müll. Arg. var. corallina]<br />

11. Isidia nearly globose or irregular, not much elongated or weakly<br />

elongated by buddiing; no substances; ascospores 6.5-12.5<br />

× 2-3.5 µm; Louisiana and Oklahoma, not yet known from<br />

Florida ....................................................................................................... [P. kalbii Brako]<br />

10. Squamules/areoles minute, ca. 0.1 mm wide; isidia long,<br />

cylindrical, tangled; no substances; ascospores<br />

7.5-12.5 × 2-3.5 µm; Leon County .............................................P. isidiolyta (Vainio) Riddle<br />

9. Thallus not isidiate or lobulate; see couplet 5 ................................. [P. parvifolia var. breviuscula]<br />

2. Prothallus dark, abundant ................................................................................................................. 13<br />

13. Squamules minute, inconspicuous; thallus dominated by long<br />

slender isidia; furfuracein; ascospores 6-12 × 2-2.5 µm;<br />

Dade and Seminole Counties ...........................................................P. furfuracea (Pers.) Zahlbr.<br />

13. Squamules/areoles large, tightly adjoined forming an almost<br />

continuous crust, separated by white lines formed by fibrils,<br />

isidiate; isidia sparse, short, cylindrical; atranorin; Louisiana,<br />

not yet known from Florida ........................................................................[P. halei (Tuck.) Zahlbr.]<br />

1. Thallus PD+ orange (argopsin agg. or pannarin) .................................................................................... 14<br />

14. Thallus isidiate, not pruinose (P. corallina (Eschw.) Müll. Arg. s. lat.)............................................... 15<br />

15. Containing argopsin agg. as major substances .......................................................................... 16<br />

16. Lacking phyllopsorins; ascospores 7-13 × 2.5-3 µm;<br />

common, south to Sarasota County........................P. corallina var. santensis (Tuck.) Brako<br />

16. Containiing phyllopsorins; ascospores 6.5-12 × 2.5-3.5 µm;<br />

reported by Brako from Florida without locality (prob. Lake<br />

County) ...............................................................P. corallina var. ochroxantha (Nyl.) Brako<br />

15. Containing vicanicin as major substance with traces of<br />

norvicanicin and argopsin; ascospores 7-11 × 2.5-3 µm;<br />

reported by Brako from Dade and Seminole<br />

counties ........................................................................P. corallina var. glaucella (Vainio) Brako<br />

14. Thallus not isidiate, pruinose; squamules large<br />

(P. buettneri (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr. s. lat.) ............................................................................................ 17<br />


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