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three collections of C. stemonea tested (New York, Minnesota, Sweden). It runs about the same as<br />

baeomyesic acid but the spot characteristics are different. Three collections of C. brunneola (Florida, Maine &<br />

Sweden) contain no detectable substances, four contain baeomycesic and squamatic acids (Florida, New<br />

York, North Carolina & Sweden). Tibell reported baeomycesic acid in1980 but rejected it in 1987. It seems<br />

probable that his unknowns B & C are the same as the single unknown spot that I get with my TLC system.<br />

However, it is clear that more work needs to be done to confirm this. The baeomycesic acid strain is known<br />

from a single collection at Gold Head Branch State Park (Clay County) where the unknown substance strain<br />

also occurs. Most specimens checked had asci in chains. Collections from Duval and Hernando counties had<br />

asci arising singly.<br />

Chaenotheca floridana R. C. Harris, sp. nov<br />

Ab aliis acidum virensicum continentia, ascosporis grosse ornamentis, 4-5 µm diametro et apothecis<br />

pallidis brevibus et crassiusculis differt.<br />

Type. FLORIDA. Putnam County: Ocala National Forest, old Johnson Field Campground along Oklawaha River<br />

just W of U.S. Hwy. 19, swamp forest, 7 Dec 1988, Buck 16798 (NY, holotype; B, UPS, isotypes).<br />

Thallus whitish, granular leprose, PD+ red-orange, virensic acid, unknown (tr.), protocetraric acid (tr.).<br />

Phycobiont trebouxioid. Apothecia relatively short and stout, to 1 mm tall. Stalk to 0.3 mm across at base<br />

tapering to ca. 0.1 mm, light orange brown (more or less concolorous with spore mass), appearing white<br />

pruinose due to wefts of loose hyphae or occasionally covered with thallus particles. Capitulum obconical to<br />

globose, to 0.5 mm in diameter. Asci not in chains. Ascospores globose or appearing slightly angular due to<br />

coarse plate-like ornamentation, 4-5 µm in diameter, yellow brown.<br />

I originally included this species in C. brunneola s. lat. until I studied its chemistry. A subsequent reevaluation<br />

showed that it also differs in the pale, shorter apothecia and slightly larger, coarsely ornamented<br />

ascospores.<br />

Additional specimens. FLORIDA. Hillsborough County: Hillsborough River State Park, Rapids Trail<br />

along river, 28°09'N, 82°14W, on trunk of Sabal, 3 Dec 1992, Buck 22641; Levy County: Cedar Key Scrub<br />

State Preserve, along Co. Rd. 347 ca. 1.5 mi N of Fla. Hwy. 24, on Sabal leaf bases, 30 Nov 1992, Buck<br />

22425, 22434, 22436; Sarasota County: Myakka River State Park, along Fla. Hwy. 72 ca. 0.7 mi SE of park<br />

entrance, on trunk of Sabal, 5 Dec 1992, Buck 22717, 22731 (all NY).<br />

Chaenotheca hispidula (Ach.) Zahlbr. s. lat.<br />

The single specimen varies from the North American norm in having the asci in chains and in smaller<br />

ascospores reaching only 4 µm which is below the minimum given by Tibell (1980). It is possible that the<br />

deviation is clinal as the locality is considerably south of the range given by Tibell.<br />

THELOMMA Massal.<br />

Thelomma carolinianum (Tuck.) Tibell is endemic to the Coastal Plain. The other species of the<br />

genus occur in western North America and Europe. See key to genera.<br />

TYLOPHORON Nyl. ex Stizenb.<br />

1. Thallus and ascomatal margin C+ red (lecanoric acid); ascomata<br />

0.6-1.2 mm diam. (Tibell, 1982); ascospores 12-15 × 6.5-8 µm;<br />

sporodochia white; conidiospores 1-2(-4)-celled, colorless,<br />

rough-walled; throughout Florida.................................................................................. T. protrudens Nyl.<br />

1. Thallus C-; ascomatal margin C+ red (lecanoric acid, 2'-O-methylperlatolic<br />

acid); ascomata 0.4-0.8 mm diam. (Tibell, 1982); ascospores 10-14 × 5-6 µm; sporodochia<br />


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