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4. Ascospores light to dark brown......................................................................................................................................................... 14<br />

14. Ascospores 5-10 transversely septate......................................................................................................................................... 15<br />

15. Ascospores 6-celled, 17-20 × 6-7 µm; stictic acid agg.;<br />

apothecia with rim recurved and splitting; disk white<br />

pruinose; Collier County..................................................................................................................T. platycarpoides Tuck.<br />

15. Ascospores 7-11-celled, 33-60 × 6-10 µm; no substances;<br />

apothecia emergent with broad, round pores; exciple pulling<br />

away from margin; Santa Rosa and Seminole counties....................................................................... T. lacteum Krempelh.<br />

14. Ascospores densely muriform, 1/ascus, 105-140 × 24-30 µm;<br />

no substances; apothecia emergent with broad, round pores;<br />

exciple pulling away from margin; Dixie, Liberty, Marion<br />

and Santa Rosa counties ............................................................................................................. T. monospermum R. C. Harris<br />

NOTES<br />

Thelotrema platycarpoides Tuck.<br />

Thelotrema platycarpoides was originally described from Cuba. Hale (1981) was in error describing the ascospores as "3-4loculate".<br />

Tuckerman described them as 6-celled and an examination of an isolectotype (BUF) corroborates this. (The very similar T.<br />

platycarpum Tuck. does have 4-celled ascospores and also differs in larger apothecia.)<br />

New to North America. FLORIDA. Collier County, Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve, Royal Palm Hammock, 26°01'N, 81°25'W,<br />

6 Dec 1992, Harris 29940 (NY).<br />


"Calciales" are used here in an informal, highly artificial, sense to include not only the Caliciaceae and<br />

Mycocaliciaceae but mazaedioid genera belonging to other families or of uncertain position. Mycocaliciaceae<br />

and Caliciaceae are clearly not at all closely related. The familial disposition of Heterocyphelium Vainio and<br />

Tylophoron Nyl. is uncertain. The first is monotypic and treated in the generic key. The second is left in the<br />

Caliciaceae until its relationships are better understood.<br />


1. Apothecia stalked or if almost sessile, then very small ............................................................................ 2<br />

2. Asci disintegrating, forming a mazaedium ........................................................................................... 3<br />

3. Ascospores simple ............................................................................................................................ 4<br />

4. Ascospores small (5 µm or less), more or less globose, pale,<br />

with weak ornamentation formed by cracking of exospore;<br />

lichenized, on bark or leaf bases of Sabal................................................................ Chaenotheca<br />

4. Ascospores larger (to 17µm), lemon-shaped, dark,<br />

with strong reticulate ribbing; apothecia top-shaped with short,<br />

thick stalk; parasymbiont on Pertusaria; so far only Gulf Coast<br />

from Dixie to Collier County.........................................................Sphinctrina tubiformis Massal.<br />

3. Ascopores 2-celled, brown .................................................................................................. Calicium<br />

2. Asci persistent, not forming mazaedium (Mycocaliciaceae) ................................................................5<br />

5. Growing on old wood or bark ............................................................................................................ 6<br />

6. Stalk dark, usually of more or less parallel hyphae;<br />


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