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Anisomeridium consobrinum (Nyl.) Aptroot<br />

Biblioth. Lichenol. 57: 21. 1995. Verrucaria consobrina Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 15: 53.<br />

1861. Arthopyrenia consobrina (Nyl.) Müll. Arg., Flora 66: 317. 1883. Type. NEW CALEDONIA.<br />

Viellard 1838 (H-Nyl 1666, holotype; G, isotype).<br />

Anisomeridium elegans R. C. Harris, sp. nov.<br />

Thallo corticato, glauco, UV+ aureo, ostiolo eccentrico, ascosporis ovoideis, septis valde submedianis,<br />

laevibus, 51-57 × 23-26 µm<br />

Type. PUERTO RICO. Distr. Mayagüez: Maricao State Forest, just NE of Universidad Católica Estación<br />

Biologica, along Hwy 120 at km 15.8, along trail on hill top, ca. 700 m, semi-dry forest, 5 Jun 1988, Harris<br />

22280 (NY, holotype).<br />

Thallus corticate, epiphloeodal, glaucous green, glossy, UV+ yellow (lichexanthone), sometimes weakly<br />

so. Ascomata immersed, covered by thallus and only visible as a weakly raised bump, lageniform, 0.5-0.8 ×<br />

0.4-0.5 mm; ostiole eccentric or lateral; wall entirely melanized or open below. Asci cylindrical to subclavate,<br />

ca. 200-300 × 40-55 µm, with eight subbiseriate spores. Ascospores ovoid, slightly constricted at markedly<br />

submedian septum, smooth, 45-57 × 18-26 µm; pycnidia not found.<br />

Anisomeridium elegans is related to A. infernale and A. nemorosum with similarly corticate thalli, but<br />

differs in size of ascomata and asci and in size and shape of ascospores.<br />

Additional specimen. PUERTO RICO. As type, ca. 600 m, moist forest on slope with tree ferns and palms,<br />

5 Jun 1988, Harris 22319 (NY).<br />

Anisomeridium endobryum (Döbbler & Poelt) R. C. Harris, comb. nov.<br />

Arthopyrenia endobrya Döbbler & Poelt, Pl. Syst. Evol. 138: 276. 1981. Type. BRAZIL. São<br />

Paulo: Ilha Comprida bei Cananeia, 15 Jul 1979, Kalb & Poelt (M, isotype).<br />

Anisomeridium epiphyllum (V_zda) R. C. Harris, comb. nov.<br />

Pleurotrema epiphyllum V_zda, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 13: 99. 1978. Ditremis epiphylla (V_zda)<br />

Makhija & Patwardhan, Makhija & Patwardhan, Biovigyanam 16: 15. 1990. Type. ZAIRE (not<br />

seen).<br />

Anisomeridium excellens (Nyl.) R. C. Harris, comb. nov.<br />

Verrucaria excellens Müll. Arg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 6: 405. 1885. Type. CUBA. Wright, Verr.<br />

Cub. 79 (G, lectotype (selected here); UPS, US, isolectotypes); Verr. Cub. 78 (G, syntype).<br />

Anisomeridium flavopallidum (Makhija & Patwardhan) R. C. Harris, comb. nov.<br />

Ditremis flavopallida Makhija & Patwardhan, Biovigyanam 16: 16. 1990. Type. INDIA. Maharastra,<br />

Karnala, on the way to Ransai, 27 Aug 1974, Patwardhan & Nagarkar 74.431 (AMH, holotype).<br />

Anisomeridium foliicola R. Sant. & Tibell<br />

This lichen is apparently often produces only its very characteristic pycnidia. Santesson and Tibell<br />

suggested that they might be producing microconidia. From the size and shape of the conidia in Costa Rican<br />

material distributed by Lücking, I consider them to be macroconidia. This would suggest that since ascomata<br />

are rare, dispersal is via these macroconidia. It is also noteworthy that the pycnidia of A. foliicola have a well<br />

developed periphysoid plug which apparently relaeases the conidia single file. A similar feature is described<br />

for the possibly synonymous and therefore illegitimate pycnidial genus Compsosporiella Sanarkan & Sutton.<br />

Anisomeridium glaucescens (Müll. Arg.) R. C. Harris, comb. nov.<br />


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