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TRYPETHELIUM Sprengel<br />

1. Thallus or ascomatal wart KOH+ purple ................................................................................................... 2<br />

2. Thallus usually yellowish or brownish, KOH-; ascomata aggregated<br />

in raised pseudostromata which are often constricted at base,<br />

contents KOH+ purple.......................................................................................................................... 3<br />

3. Ascospores 10-14-celled, 40-50 × 9-12 µm; powder in pseudostromata<br />

yellow to tan; pseudostromata and/or thallus often pruinose;<br />

peninsular Florida..............................................................................................T. eluteriae Sprengel<br />

3. Ascospores 13-16-celled, 60-75(-85) × 11-12 µm; powder in<br />

pseudostromata orange; pseudostromata orange to brown,<br />

not pruinose; Alachua, Gilchrist, Polk and Sarasota counties..............................................................<br />

................................................................................................................. T. subeluteriae Mak. & Pat.<br />

2. Thallus orange; ascomata mostly immersed, solitary and scattered<br />

to aggregated; ascospores 4-celled, 21-28 × 8-9 µm; peninsular Florida ...............................................<br />

.................................................................................................................. T. aeneum (Eschw.) Zahlbr.<br />

1. Thallus and warts KOH- ............................................................................................................................ 4<br />

4. Ascomata covered by thallus or in pseudostroamta ......................................................................... 5<br />

5. Ascospores 4-celled, IKI- .............................................................................................................. 6<br />

6. Ascospores smaller, less than 20-27 × 7.5-10 µm long ..............................................................<br />

....................................................................................................Trypethelium variolosum Ach.<br />

The trypethelioid morphs with pseudostromata containing 1-many simple ascomata have been<br />

recognized as follows. Some may find it more satisfying to continue to do so.<br />

A. Thallus UV+ yellow (lichexanthone);throughout the state<br />

........................................................................................................ T. ochroleucum (Eschw.) Nyl.<br />

A. Thallus UV-; throughout the state.................................................T. nitidiusculum (Nyl.) R. C. Harris<br />

6. Ascospores large, 35-43 × 12-15 µm; ascomata solitary or<br />

grouped, covered by yellow green thallus except at apex which<br />

is black with a pale ring; hymenium not inspersed; peninsular Florida .......................................<br />

........................................................................ T. floridanum (Zahlbr. ex Choisy) R. C. Harris<br />

5. Ascospores 8-12-celled, 38-52 × 7-10 µm, IKI+ weak violet;<br />

pseudostromata not raised; south to Marion County........................T. virens Tuck. ex Michener<br />

4. Ascomata black, naked, solitary or aggregated; hymenium inspersed;<br />

ascospores 4-celled, 20-26 × 6-8 µm; throughout the state................................................................<br />

............................................................................................................T. tropicum (Ach.) Müll. Arg.<br />

NOTES<br />

Trypethelium aeneum (Eschw.) Zahlbr.<br />

Trypethelium ferrugineum Müll. Arg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 6: 392. 1885. Type. CUBA. Wright, Verr.<br />

Cub. 157, Lich. Cub. II, 593, 594 (FH-Tuck 3972, isosyntypes), syn. nov.<br />

Trypethelium ferrugineum β. inornatum Müll. Arg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 6: 392. 1885. Type. CUBA.<br />


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