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Aptroot, for which I have seen the type and a couple additional specimens. It belongs in Anisomeridium. The<br />

asci and physes are clearly the same as those seen in Monoblastiaceae. The ascospores of M. verrucosa<br />

and M. megalospora contain colorless crystals. (Eriksson also sees them as crystals but Aptroot interprets<br />

them as folds in the ascospore wall.) This character is seen in scattered species with large ascospores in the<br />

Monoblastiaceae, Pyrenulaceae and Trypetheliaceae and seems to have no lower level taxonomic<br />

significance. Possibly it is some storage product crystallizing which might provide support for ordinal<br />

relationship if biochemical analysis were to show it was unique or unusual.<br />

The disposition of Ornatopyrenis is more problematical. Ornamented ascospores are otherwise<br />

unknown in the entire family Trypetheliaceae but the pale brown, ornamented ascospores do suggest<br />

Mycomicrothelia (Arthopyreniaceae). Hawksworth's (1985) photo of the type, Microthelia queenslandica Müll.<br />

Arg., shows dark septa which also seem typical of Mycomicrothelia. Hawksworth's photo and Aptroot's<br />

drawings both show distoseptation which does not fit well with Mycomicrothelia as defined by Hawksworth.<br />

However, Aptroot described Mycomicrothelia rubrostoma with somewhat distoseptate ascospores although his<br />

examination was apparently so casual that he did not realize this. The ascospores of M. rubrostoma are<br />

similar to those in the porospore Arthopyreniae mentioned above, only brown. Thus, I am not uncomfortable<br />

with placement in the Arthopyreniaceae. Also the ascospores of Ornatopyrenis may become submuriform. I<br />

have already (1989) introduced a muriform-spored species into Mycomicrothelia, M. decipiens (Müll. Arg.) R.<br />

C. Harris. Until such time as I can study material of Ornatopyrenis queenslandica, I suggest Ornatopyrenis be<br />

placed tentatively as a synonym of Mycomicrothelia.<br />


1. Thallus not corticate, whitish ..................................................................................................................... 2<br />

2. Ascospores with well developed endospore developed, lumina angular,<br />

4-celled, 20-27 × 6-8 µm; hymenium inspersed, also often yellow<br />

pigmented, KOH+ red; throughout the state ........................... Pseudopyrenula subnudata Müll. Arg.<br />

2. Ascospores with endospore not developed, lumina cylindrical,<br />

with 4-8 transverse septa or muriform.............................................................................. Polymeridium<br />

1. Thallus corticate, green, tan, brown or orange.......................................................................................... 3<br />

3. Ascomata solitary or in pseudostromata, not fused and sharing a common ostiole<br />

or ostiolar plate...................................................................................................................................... 4<br />

4. Stromata solitary or in pseudostromata which are not brown, and slightly<br />

shiny , if containing KOH+ purple pigment, then pseudostroma pruinose and<br />

ascospores 9-13 transversely septate; pseudostromal wall not composed<br />

of brown, convoluted hyphae............................................................................................................. 5<br />

5. Ascospores muriform .................................................................................................................... 6<br />

6. Ostiole apical..................................................................................................................Laurera<br />

6. Ostiole eccentric or lateral............................................................... [Campylothelium Müll. Arg.]<br />

5. Ascospores transversely septate .................................................................................................. 7<br />

7. Ascospores less than 100 µm long or if longer, then multiseptate..............................................<br />

................................................................................................................... Trypethelium s. lat.<br />

7. Ascospores mostly more than 100 µm long, 3-5-septate..................[Architrypethelium Aptroot]<br />

4. Ascomata in brown, usually slightly shiny psedostromata containing<br />

yellow or orange pigments, KOH- or KOH+ red; pseudostromal<br />

wall composed of brown, jigsaw puzzle-like hyphae; ascospores<br />


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