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The Requienellaceae are recognized here in the restricted, original sense as discussed above under<br />

Pyrenulaceae. While comfortable with the family, I have never been satisfied with the species level taxonomy.<br />

However, as Boise had decided, not readily changeable, opinions, I kept my mouth shut until now. I have<br />

always felt that R. subcollapsa and Acrocordiella occulta (see Pyrenulaceae) merited recognition.<br />


1. Young ascospores ± thin walled................................................................................................................ 2<br />

2. Ascospores with cells densely filled with small oil droplets, 6-celled,<br />

ca. 29-33 × 10-12 µm; ostiolar area inspersed with large oil drops;<br />

Europe.....................................................................................[Requienella seminuda (Persoon) Boise]<br />

2. Ascospores with 1-few oil droplets/masses, 8-celled, sometimes with<br />

one cell longitudinally divided, ca. 36-48 × 11-13 µm; Europe ................................................................<br />

................................................................................................[Requienella lichenopsis (Massal.) Boise]<br />

1. Young ascospores with a well developed "cap" of endospore in the<br />

terminal cells; mature ascospores 4-celled, occasionally with 1-2 cells<br />

longitudinally subdivided, ca. 25-29 × 8-10 µm; on soft barked deciduous<br />

trees, eastern North America ............................. [Requienella subcollapsa (Ellis & Everhart) R. C. Harris]<br />

NOTES<br />

Requienella subcollapsa (Ellis & Everhart) R. C. Harris, comb. nov.<br />

Lophiostoma subcollapsa Ellis & Everhart, J. Mycol. 2: 100. 1886. Type. NEW JERSEY. Newfield,<br />

on outer bark of living Nyssa, Jun 1886, Ellis (NY, holotype).<br />

I am preliminarily assuming that there is only a single species in North Americ but I have not yet reexamined<br />

all the specimens cited by Boise as R. seminuda so that this assumption may prove incorrect.<br />


Harris (Acta Amazonica 14(1/2, Supl.): 55-80. 1984[1986]) included the genus Pleurotrema Müll. Arg. in<br />

the Trypetheliaceae. It has been since removed to its own family, Pleurotremataceae, in the non-lichenized<br />

unitunicate ascomycetes. (See Pyrenulaceae for more detailed comments).<br />

Aptroot (Biblioth. Lichenol. 44, 1991) recognized two additional genera of Trypetheliaceae, Megalotremis<br />

Aptroot and Ornatopyrenis Aptroot. Unfortunaely Aptroot's descriptions of ascus and hamathecium are not<br />

adequate and he did not trouble with conidia. I have not seen the types of either genera.<br />

Aptroot's hesitation in describing Megalotremis was well founded. Megalotremis, based on M. verrucosa<br />

(Makhija & Patwardhan) Aptroot, is certainly a synonym of Anisomeridium (Aptroot's drawings show both<br />

Anisomeridium-type ascospores and ascus tip.) Two-celled ascospores are unknown in the Trypetheliaceae.<br />

Anisomeridium, with a handful of exceptions, has 2-celled ascospores and species having asci with only 2 or 4<br />

ascospores are not uncommon. The thallus of M. verrucosa is corticate but corticate thalli are also seen in<br />

Anisomeridium (A. glaucescens and A. clandestinum). The second species, M. biocellata Aptroot, is almost<br />

certainly a species of Arthopyrenia (probably the same as Tomasellia dispora Müll. Arg., see Arthopyrenia).<br />

Most species of Arthopyrenia show some constriction of the ascospore wall ± grading into the "biocellate" type<br />

("porospore" in Vainio's terminology). (There are probably ten or so species with the porospore ascospore<br />

type.) Aptroot (Nova Hedwigia 60: 338. 1995) has recognized a third species, M. megalospora (Vainio)<br />


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