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celled, becoming filled with reddish oily substance as contents disintegrate, 31-40 × 15-16µm.<br />

The epithet is derived from the bastardization of the epithet of the sister species "concatervans" and<br />

"stroma" as the ascospores, etc., are identical to those of P. concatervans and the ascomata are included in<br />

pseudostromata. This assumes that ascospores types are conservative and define clades although there is<br />

no independent proof for this. In previous generations, P. concastroma would have been placed in<br />

Melanotheca, a genus I have abandoned as polyphyletic, containing taxa derived independently in several<br />

ascospore defined clades. Pyrenula concastroma is virtually identical to P. wrightii which differs in having a<br />

colorless oily substance in postmature ascospores (as P. quassiaecola differs from P. concatervans). This<br />

raises the question, does the color of the oily substance mean anything? Have two taxa, differing mainly in the<br />

color of the contents of postmature ascospores, evolved identical, highly unusual for the Pyrenulaceae,<br />

pseudostromata? This would seem to be a question which the friendly neighborhood molecular biologist is<br />

best equipped to answer. Pyrenula concastroma is known only from the type.<br />

Pyrenula concatervans (Nyl.) R. C. Harris<br />

Pyrenula crystalligera H. Magn., Ark. Bot. n.s. 3(3-4): 239. 1956. Type. [HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.] Iles<br />

Sandwich. Voyage de M. J. Remy, 1851-1855. Herb. Mus. Paris, misit cel. Nylander, 1860 (FH-<br />

Tuck 4107, holotype), syn. nov.<br />

Pyrenula confinis (Nyl.) R. C. Harris, comb. nov.<br />

Verrucaria confinis Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 174. 1855. Anthracothecium confine (Nyl.)<br />

Müll. Arg., Linnaea 63: 45. 1880. Type. CHILE. Ad corticem eadem ac Glyphis cicatricosa (H-Nyl<br />

1250, holotype).<br />

Verrucaria albescens Nyl., Expos. syn. pyrenoc. 50. 1858. Anthracothecium albescens (Nyl.) Müll.<br />

Arg., Linnaea 64: 45. 1880. Type. GUYANA BRITANNICA. Ad cort. Spondias lutea L. (H-Nyl 1285,<br />

holotype).<br />

Anthracothecium corticatum Müll. Arg., Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30: 96. 1891. Pyrenula<br />

corticata (Müll. Arg.) R. C. Harris, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 49: 89. 1989. Type. COSTA RICA.<br />

San José, 5300 ft., 1890, Pittier (MSC, holotype fragment ex G).<br />

Harris (1989) declined to take up the epithet confinis as the holotype had not been located. Singh (1985)<br />

incorrectly thought a specimen from French Guiana to be the type. In 1994 I located the holotype in Helsinki.<br />

Nylander had apparently intended to name the species Verrucaria concinna but never published this name<br />

(possibly due to the existence of Verrucaria concinna Borrer). Nylander had not changed the name on the<br />

specimen and it was quite naturally filed under this name in his herbarium. I have now studied the specimen<br />

and it agrees with the taxon previously treated by me as Pyrenula corticata.<br />

Pyrenula cruenta (Mont.) Vainio<br />

Verrucaria circumrubens Nyl., Flora 50: 196. 1867, nom. nud., Syn. lich. Nov. Caled. 90. 1868.<br />

Pyrenula circumrubens (Nyl.) B. de Lesd., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 62: 463. 1910. Type. [NEW<br />

CALEDONIA. Loyalty Islands:] Lifu, 1864 Thiebaut (H-Nyl 1418, holotype), syn. nov.<br />

Pyrenula rubromaculata Vainio, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 77. 1921. Lectotype (selected here). JAPAN.<br />

Prov. Kii: on Taonabo japonica, 30 Dec 1911, Yasuda 259 (Tur-Vainio 31242). Syntype. as<br />

lectotype, Yasuda 262 (TUR-Vainio 31243), syn. nov.<br />

Pyrenula laetior Müll. Arg.<br />

Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 6: 413. 1885. Type. CUBA. Wright, Verr. Cub. 51 (FH-Tuck 4108, isotype).<br />

New to North America. FLORIDA. Citrus County: Mason Creek, ca. 2 mi SW of Homossasa, coastal<br />

hammock, elev. 2 m, on trunk of Ilex cassine, 10 May 1994, Griffin 2944 (FLAS, NY); Polk County: Nalcrest,<br />

on fallen oak branch, 11 Mar 1989, Wheeler (NY); Taylor County: Aucilla Wildlife Management Area, Aucilla<br />

Sinks, S of Goose Pasture Road along Florida Trail, ca. 4 mi N of U.S. Hwy. 98, on young Carya, 12 Dec<br />

1993, Harris 32285 (NY).<br />

The ascospores and asci resemble those of Pyrenula aspistea (Ach.) Ach. which differs in having the<br />

hymenium not inspersed. Pyrenula laetior is also close to Pyrenula velata Müll. Arg. from Brazil which differs<br />


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