Friesia X, 4-5

Friesia X, 4-5

Friesia X, 4-5


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Fig . 4. Leptosphaeria nodorum. Pycnospores on barley. X 540.<br />

after harvest. Perithecia are immersed, globose with a short papillate<br />

ostiole, dark brown to black, 100-240 f-l in diameter. Asci cla vate,<br />

cylindrical or slightly curved, eight-spored, 51-80 X 9-12 f-l; wall is<br />

bitunicate. Ascospor es are biseriately arranged, straight or slightly<br />

curved, three-septate, constricted at the septa and typically with the<br />

second cell from the apex somewhat enlarged (Fig. 5). The spores are<br />

hyaline, often with guttules, 19-28 X 4.4-5.6 f-l (average 23.8 X 5.0 f-l,<br />

100 measurements in water).<br />

Fig. 5. L eptosphaeria nodorum. Asci and ascospores on barley. X 625.<br />

The size of pycnidia, pycnospores, asci and ascospores were compared<br />

with measurements reported by other workers for Leptosphaerui<br />

nodorum from barley and wheat (Table 1) . Data are also

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