Friesia X, 4-5

Friesia X, 4-5

Friesia X, 4-5


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The author wishes to thank Dipl.-Biol. INGEBORG SCHMIDT for t he<br />

opportunity to examine type material of Crinigera maritima and Professor<br />

JAN KOHLMEYER for comments on Crinigera sp., Carbosphaer ella lepto­<br />

sphaer io ules and Halosphaerui appendiculata. The author is also indebted<br />

to BRIAN A. DENNIS, B. SC., for the English translation of this report and<br />

gratefully acknowledges the economic support received from the Danish<br />

Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council. For accomodation and tech­<br />

nical facilities during the author's stay at the Gr ønhøj beach h e owes a<br />

debt of gratitude to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. xocrr,<br />


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