Friesia X, 4-5

Friesia X, 4-5

Friesia X, 4-5


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Fig . 5. Sist otrema pyrosporum. a. Hyphae; b. Basidia; c. Spores. - X 1000.<br />

Coll. 3722.<br />

hyalinae, t unicis tenuibus, laevibus, pyriformes, apiculatae, 9-13 (16)<br />

X 4-6,5 1', non-amyloideae.<br />

Hab. Ad folia Pini.<br />

F ruit-body resupinate, adnate, thin, up to 80 I' thick, waxymembranaceous<br />

to poroid-reticulate, greyish; no margin. Lower<br />

hyphae cylindrical, thin-walled, smooth, without clamps, 2-6 I' broad,<br />

some larger hyphae moderately thick-walled, up to 6,5 I' broad, subhymenial<br />

hyphae short-celled, ampullate, thin-walled, rather indistinct.<br />

Yellowish material is produced among hyphae and basidia. Basidia<br />

as a rule first short and broad clavate, then prolonged, finally cylindric<br />

with broader base, 20-38 X 4-7,5 1' , with 6 sterigmata, 4-7 I'<br />

lang. Spores pyriform to ovate-cylindric, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth,<br />

ap iculate, wit h granulose or homogeneous contents, 9-13(16) X<br />

4-6,5 u , non-amyloid .<br />

On needles of Pinus.<br />

Colleetions: On needles af Pinus, Rørvig, Nov. 7, 1970 (typ e ); KR 3722.<br />

Ibidem, Oct. 31, 1971; KR 4248.<br />

I bidem, Oet. 7, 1974; KR 4824.

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