Friesia X, 4-5

Friesia X, 4-5

Friesia X, 4-5


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Fig . 4. Sistotrema pistilliterum. a. Hyphae; b. Cystidia; e. Basidia;<br />

d . Spores. - x 1000. Coll. 2918.<br />

maturity urniform, 17-25 X 5-8 Il with (2)-(4)-6- (7) curved sterigmata<br />

4,5-7 Il long. Spores hyaline, subglobose to subangulate or<br />

rhombic, smooth, 4-5 Il diam., apiculate, contents often guttulate,<br />

non-amyloid.<br />

On bark of Pinus.<br />

Collections: On Pinus, Asserbo Plantage, Nov. 18, 1967 (t ype ) ; KH 2918.<br />

On Picea) Velling Plantage, Oet. 11, 1969; KR 3488, 3507.<br />

On braneh af Fagus siioatica, V ås tgotland, Od parish,<br />

St. Mollungen, Sweden, Sept. 9, 1969; K . HJORTSTAM 2334.<br />

Sistotrema pyrosporum n. sp.<br />

Fructificatio resupinata, adnata, tenuiter ceraceo-membranacea vel<br />

poruloso-reticulata, grisea ; hyphae basales tenuiter tunicatae, cylindraceae,<br />

laeves, septatae, 2-6,5 Il latae; hyphae subhymeniales ampullaceae,<br />

plerumque indistinctae ; basidia cylindracea ad basim inflata,<br />

20-38 X 4-7,5 Il, 6 sterigmata 4-7 Il longa gerentia ; sporae

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