1 Earliest Rome

1 Earliest Rome 1 Earliest Rome

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10.4d(iii) & (iv); tombs 4.13; see also death and after-life and funeral feast Cacu(s) 7.1c Caecus, see Claudius Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar, consuls B.C., dictatorafter 49 B.c.): coins 9.2b; divine honours 9.2b; festivals commemorating 3.5; in Forum of Augustus 4.2a; and Jews 12.6c(ii); and Lupercalia 5.2b; portents at death 13.2; as priest 8.5a; see also Index of Sources calendar 1.2; ch. 3 (passim) camillus {camilli) (priestly attendant) 4.3a & b, 6.1b Capitolium 1.9b, 9.1a, 9.5d; of colonia 10.2c Castor (and Pollux) 1.7b, 2.Id, 13.3; temple of 4.7 catacombs, Jewish 12.6d Cerialia (April 19) 3.3a; 3.3b; 3.3d Christianity 12.7; buildings and cult places 4.15; 12.7f(iv); critique of Mithraism 12.5e, 12.7a(i); critique of pagan religion 2. Id, 2.2c, 5.2e, 6.7a, 6.8a, 12.7a, 8.10a, 13.6, 13.8, 13.9; under Constantine 11.13; demons 12.7a; Donatism 11.13b; élite involvement 12.7c(ii) & (iii); gnostic 12.7e(i) & (iv); god 2.10 b & c; and Judaism 12.7b(i), 12.7e(iii); Manichaeism 11.12; membership 11.11c, 12.7c; Montanism 7.6b, 12.7f(iii); Naassene movement 12.7e(iv); pagan critique of 2.10 b & c, 9.6d, 11.1 lc & d; pluralism 7.6b, 12.7a(i), 12.7e; response to pagan critique 2.10c, 9.6d; and Greek philosophy 12.7e(v); rituals of 12.7d(i); and animal sacrifice 6.8; Sibylline tradition in 7.5b; slave involvement 12.7c(i); spread of 11.11, 12.7b, 12.7c(ii); Valentinian movement 12.7e(ii); see also Christians andpersecution of Christians Christians 12.7; bishops 7.6b (intro); 12.7b(ii), 12.7c(iii); martyrdom of 7.9b, 11.11a, 12.7f, 13.8; see also Christianity ^^persecution of Christians Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero, consulGb B.c.): as augur 8.2c; dispute on interpretation of response of haruspices 7.4a; addresses pontijices 8.2a; see also Index of Sources Claudia Quinta (Roman matron, late third century B.C.) 2.7a & b General index Claudius (emperor, A.D. 41-54): extension of pomerium4.8b &c c; festivals commemorating 3.5; as god 9.2c Claudius (Appius Claudius Caecus, censor 312 B.C) 1.6c Clodius (Publius Clodius Pulcher, tribune 58 B.C) 7.4a coloniae, religion of 10.1b & c, 10.2, 11.5c Commodus (emperor, A.D. 176-92): attempted assassination at festival of Magna Mater 5.6b; festival commemorating 3.5; as Hercules 2.8c conversion: to Christianity 11.11c, 12.7b(i); in cultoflsis 12.4b; to Judaism 12.6d(ii), 12.6e Concordia (Concord) 2.3a; temple of 4.7 Constantine (emperor, A.D. 312—37): and Christianity 4.15 c&d, 8.10b, 11.13; regulations against magic, 11.2c curio (curiones) (priests of the curiae) 8.1a curses, see spells Cybele 2.5, 13.6; see aho Magna Mater Dea Dia 4.5,6.2 death and after-life 9.6, 13.1b, 13.3; Christian 12.7d(ii); Jewish 12.6d(iii); Lupercalia (as festival of dead) 5-2c; rebirth (apogenesis) 11.6, 12.5g; see aho burial and funeral feast decemviri sacris faciundis, see quindecimviri sacris faciundis Decius (emperor, A.D. 249-51) 6.8c deification 2.8, 9.2, 9.3; see aho 'imperial cult' deities ch. 2 {passim); anthropomorphic 2.1, 2.4a & b; British 2.9b; evolution of 1.1; 'functional' deities 2.2c, 6.2; Gallic 2.9b; images of 1.1a, 2.5, 2.10b & c; innovation 2.6, 2.7, 2.8; location of 2.4c; polytheism ch. 2 (intro); see aho abstractions, deified and deity, Christian; deity, Jewish deity, Christian 2.10b & c; Jewish 11.8a, 12.6a Demeter 7.5a; Karpophoros 7.6c(ii); Thesmophoros 7.6c(i) demons 12.7a devotio 6.6a Diana: at Aricia 1.5c; at Rome (Aventine) 1.5d; 10.1; in prayers, rituals etc. 5.5b, 5.7b; society of 12.2; varieties of 2. Id; see aho Artemis Diocletian (emperor, A.D.284-305), ruling against Manichees 11.12 Dionysos 12.7a(i); see aho Bacchus 411

General index Dioscuri, see Castor (and Pollux) divination ch. 7 (passim); arguments for and against 13.2; magical 7.7; regulation of 11.7; see aho astrology diviners, prophets and soothsayers ch. 7 (intro), 7.1, 7.3c, 7.5c, 11.7a, 12.1a, see aho haruspex divus ]u\\us, ^Julius Caesar dreams 7.9; of Mithras 12.5c(i); by Sulla 9-lb(iii) duoviri sacrisfaciundis, see quindecimviri sacris faciundis Dura Europus: house-church 4.15a; synagogue 4.14b Ebionites 12.7e(iii) eclipse 7.3c Elagabalus (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, emperor, A.D. 218-22) 6.6c; 8.5c emperors, j& imperial family and under individual emperors Epicurean theology 2.4 Epicurus 12.6b Etruscans, Etruscan religion 1.9, 4.8a, 7.1b & c, 7.4 Euhemerism 2.8d Evander 5.2a evocatiol.Gz, 10.3b extispicy 6.1e, 6.6a, 7.4b, c & d Faustina (wife of Antoninus Pius): deification of 2.8b; festivals'commemorating 3.5; temple of 4.7 Felicitas, Felix: as characteristic of Sulla, 9.1b(i) & (ii); of Pompey, 9.1c Feriae Latinae 1.5 (intro); 1.5a festivals ch. 3 (passim), ch. 5 (passim), 13.3; see aho Magna Mater, Isis; and under individual festivals fetialis (fetiaks) (fetial priests) 1.4a, 5.5d, 13.3 Fides (Faith) 2.3a flamen (flamines), derivation of title 8.1a; major 1.2, 1.3 (intro), 6.7a, 13.3, 13.8; Dialis 8.1b, 8.2d; Quirinalis 2.2b; priesthood in Arval cult 4.5; priesthood in imperial cult 4.15b, 10.4e; priesthood of Julius Caesar 9.2a Fordicidia (April 15) 3.3a & b Fortuna, Primigenia 4.9; temple at Rome 1.7a Forum of Augustus, see Augustus Forum, at Pompeii 4.10; Roman (Forum Romanum) 4.7 412 Funeral feast 4.13, 8.6b; see also Burial and Death and after-life Gabine knot 6.6a Gaius Caligula (emperor, A.D. 37-41), and Jews 10.6b, 12.6c(ii) gallus (galli) (cult official of Magna Mater) 2.7d & e, 7.6a, 8.7, 13.3, 13.6; at Cumae 10.4b; see aho Magna Mater games, 5«? ludi genius 3.5, 4.12 gens(gentes) (clan) 1.6; gens Iulia 1.6a Gnostics 12.7e(i), 12.7e(iv) God-fearers 11.8b; 12.6e gods, goddesses see deities Gratian (emperor A.D. 375-83), refuses title of pontifex maximus 8.10b Greek influence on religion 1.1 (intro); 1.5b(iii); 1.7, 2.6c, 5.5b, 5.7a, 7.5 (intro) 'Greek rite' 5.7b, 7.5a, 7.5c Greeks, compared with Romans 7.3c groves, sacred: at Albunea4.11; Arval 4.5; 6.2 haruspex (haruspices) 6.6a, 7.1b, 7.2, 7.4, 9.1a, 13.2, 13.3, 13.7 Hephaestus 1.7c(ii); see aho Vulcan Herakles, see Hercules Hercules 1.6c, 1.7a(ii), 2.Id, 7.1c, 7.6c(iii), 9.5a, 13.3; emperor Commodus as 2.8c heresy, see Christianity Hermes: in cult of Isis 12.4a; in cult of Mithras 12.5f; Paul as 9.4a; see also Mercury Horus 12.4a Honos (Honour) 2.3 house-church 4.15a & b hymns 7.3a; 12.5h (intro); carmen saeculare 5.7b; see aho prayers 'imperial cult' (so-called) 9.2, 10.5 10.6; apotheosis 9.3b; Arval Brothers and 6.2; at Pompeii 4.10; priests and officials of 8.6 imperial family: Arval Brothers and 6.2; festivals commemorating 3.3b; 3.3d; 3.4; 3.5; 10.5b; and taurobolium 6.7b; see aho Faustina, Julia Domna and under individual emperors incubation 4.11 initiation: Bacchic 12.1a; Christian 11.1 Id; Isiac 8.8, 12.4a & b; in cult of Jupiter Dolichenus

10.4d(iii) & (iv); tombs 4.13; see also death<br />

and after-life and funeral feast<br />

Cacu(s) 7.1c<br />

Caecus, see Claudius<br />

Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar, consuls B.C.,<br />

dictatorafter 49 B.c.): coins 9.2b; divine<br />

honours 9.2b; festivals commemorating 3.5; in<br />

Forum of Augustus 4.2a; and Jews 12.6c(ii);<br />

and Lupercalia 5.2b; portents at death 13.2; as<br />

priest 8.5a; see also Index of Sources<br />

calendar 1.2; ch. 3 (passim)<br />

camillus {camilli) (priestly attendant) 4.3a & b,<br />

6.1b<br />

Capitolium 1.9b, 9.1a, 9.5d; of colonia 10.2c<br />

Castor (and Pollux) 1.7b, 2.Id, 13.3; temple of<br />

4.7<br />

catacombs, Jewish 12.6d<br />

Cerialia (April 19) 3.3a; 3.3b; 3.3d<br />

Christianity 12.7; buildings and cult places 4.15;<br />

12.7f(iv); critique of Mithraism 12.5e,<br />

12.7a(i); critique of pagan religion 2. Id, 2.2c,<br />

5.2e, 6.7a, 6.8a, 12.7a, 8.10a, 13.6, 13.8,<br />

13.9; under Constantine 11.13; demons 12.7a;<br />

Donatism 11.13b; élite involvement 12.7c(ii)<br />

& (iii); gnostic 12.7e(i) & (iv); god 2.10 b &<br />

c; and Judaism 12.7b(i), 12.7e(iii);<br />

Manichaeism 11.12; membership 11.11c,<br />

12.7c; Montanism 7.6b, 12.7f(iii); Naassene<br />

movement 12.7e(iv); pagan critique of 2.10 b<br />

& c, 9.6d, 11.1 lc & d; pluralism 7.6b,<br />

12.7a(i), 12.7e; response to pagan critique<br />

2.10c, 9.6d; and Greek philosophy 12.7e(v);<br />

rituals of 12.7d(i); and animal sacrifice 6.8;<br />

Sibylline tradition in 7.5b; slave involvement<br />

12.7c(i); spread of 11.11, 12.7b, 12.7c(ii);<br />

Valentinian movement 12.7e(ii);<br />

see also Christians andpersecution of<br />

Christians<br />

Christians 12.7; bishops 7.6b (intro); 12.7b(ii),<br />

12.7c(iii); martyrdom of 7.9b, 11.11a, 12.7f,<br />

13.8; see also Christianity ^^persecution of<br />

Christians<br />

Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero, consulGb B.c.): as<br />

augur 8.2c; dispute on interpretation of<br />

response of haruspices 7.4a; addresses pontijices<br />

8.2a; see also Index of Sources<br />

Claudia Quinta (Roman matron, late third<br />

century B.C.) 2.7a & b<br />

General index<br />

Claudius (emperor, A.D. 41-54): extension of<br />

pomerium4.8b &c c; festivals commemorating<br />

3.5; as god 9.2c<br />

Claudius (Appius Claudius Caecus, censor 312<br />

B.C) 1.6c<br />

Clodius (Publius Clodius Pulcher, tribune 58<br />

B.C) 7.4a<br />

coloniae, religion of 10.1b & c, 10.2, 11.5c<br />

Commodus (emperor, A.D. 176-92): attempted<br />

assassination at festival of Magna Mater 5.6b;<br />

festival commemorating 3.5; as Hercules<br />

2.8c<br />

conversion: to Christianity 11.11c, 12.7b(i); in<br />

cultoflsis 12.4b; to Judaism 12.6d(ii), 12.6e<br />

Concordia (Concord) 2.3a; temple of 4.7<br />

Constantine (emperor, A.D. 312—37): and<br />

Christianity 4.15 c&d, 8.10b, 11.13;<br />

regulations against magic, 11.2c<br />

curio (curiones) (priests of the curiae) 8.1a<br />

curses, see spells<br />

Cybele 2.5, 13.6; see aho Magna Mater<br />

Dea Dia 4.5,6.2<br />

death and after-life 9.6, 13.1b, 13.3; Christian<br />

12.7d(ii); Jewish 12.6d(iii); Lupercalia (as<br />

festival of dead) 5-2c; rebirth (apogenesis) 11.6,<br />

12.5g; see aho burial and funeral feast<br />

decemviri sacris faciundis, see quindecimviri sacris<br />

faciundis<br />

Decius (emperor, A.D. 249-51) 6.8c<br />

deification 2.8, 9.2, 9.3; see aho 'imperial cult'<br />

deities ch. 2 {passim); anthropomorphic 2.1, 2.4a<br />

& b; British 2.9b; evolution of 1.1;<br />

'functional' deities 2.2c, 6.2; Gallic 2.9b;<br />

images of 1.1a, 2.5, 2.10b & c; innovation 2.6,<br />

2.7, 2.8; location of 2.4c; polytheism ch. 2<br />

(intro); see aho abstractions, deified and deity,<br />

Christian; deity, Jewish<br />

deity, Christian 2.10b & c; Jewish 11.8a, 12.6a<br />

Demeter 7.5a; Karpophoros 7.6c(ii);<br />

Thesmophoros 7.6c(i)<br />

demons 12.7a<br />

devotio 6.6a<br />

Diana: at Aricia 1.5c; at <strong>Rome</strong> (Aventine) 1.5d;<br />

10.1; in prayers, rituals etc. 5.5b, 5.7b; society<br />

of 12.2; varieties of 2. Id; see aho Artemis<br />

Diocletian (emperor, A.D.284-305), ruling<br />

against Manichees 11.12<br />

Dionysos 12.7a(i); see aho Bacchus<br />


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