1 Earliest Rome

1 Earliest Rome 1 Earliest Rome

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Bibliography Meloni, P. (1954) 'Ancora sul calendario romano nell'anno délia battaglia de Pidna (168 a. Chr.)', Latomus 13: 553-68. Merkelbach, R. (1984) Mithras. Meisenheim. Merlac, P. (I960) Jupiter Dolichenus: essai d'interprétation et de synthèse. Paris. Meyer, M. W. (1987) The Ancient Mysteries: a Sourcebook. San Francisco. Michels, A. K. (1953) 'The topography and interpretation of the Lupercalia', Trans. Amer. Philol. Ass. 84: 35-59. (1967) The Calendar of the Roman Republic. Princeton. Millar, F. (1977) The Emperor in the Roman World, 31 B.C.-A.D. 337. London. ( 1981 ) The Roman Empire and its Neighbours, 2nd edn. London. (1993) The Roman Near East, 31 B.C.-A.D. 337. Cambridge, MA. Miller, P. (1994) Dreams in Late Antiquity. Princeton. Mitchell, I. N. (1991) Cicero: the Senior Statesman. New Haven and London. Moke, D. F. (1975) Eroticism in the Greek Magical Papyri: Selected Studies. Ph.D. Univ. Minnesota. Momigliano, A. D. (1963a) 'An interim report on the origins of Rome', JRS 53: 95-121, repr. in his Terzo cofitributo alia storia degli studi classici (1966), 545-98. Rome. ( 1963b) The Conflict between Paganism and Christianity in the Fourth Century. Oxford. (1967) (review of Alföldi (1965)),/ÄS57: 211-16, repr. in his Quarto contributif alba storia degli studi classici (1969), 487-99. Rome. (1984), 'The theological efforts of the Roman upper classes in the first century B.C.', Class. Phil. 79: 119-211, repr. in his On Pagans, Jews, and Christians (1987), 58-73. Middletown, Conn. (1989) 'The origins of Rome', Cambridge Ancient History, 2nd edn. VII. 2: 52-112. Cambridge. Mommsen, T. (1899) Römisches Strafrecht. Leipzig. Moreau, P. (1982) Clodiana religio: un procès politique en 61 av. J.-C. Paris. Moretti, G. (1948) Ara Paris Augustae, 2 vols. Rome. Moretti, L. (1982—4) 'Frammenti vecchi e nuovi del commentario dei Ludi Secolari del 17 A.C.', Rend. Pont. Accad. 55-6: 361-79. Musurillo, H. A. (1954) The Acts of the Pagan Martyrs. Acta Alexandrinorum. Oxford. (1972) The Acts of the Christian Martyrs. Oxford. Mysteries (1983) Mysteries of Diana the Antiquities from Nemi in Nottingham Museums. Castle Museum, Nottingham. Nash, E. (1968) Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Rome, 2 vols, revised edn. London. Neusner, J. (1964) 'Judaism at Dura-Europos', History of Religions 4: 81-102, repr. in his Early Rabbinic Judaism: Historical Studies in Religion, Literature and Art, 188-208. Leiden, 1975. Nicolet, C. (1980) The World of the Citizen in Republican Rome. London. Niebling, G. (1956) 'Laribus Augustis Magistri Primi. Der Beginn des Compitalkultes der Lares und des Genius Augusti', Historia 5: 303-31. Nielsen, I. (1993) 'Castor, aedes, templum', in Steinby (1993) 242-5. Nikiprowetzky, V. (1970) La troisième Sibylle. Paris. Nilsson, M. P. (1957) The Dionysiac Mysteries of the Hellenistic and Roman Age. Lund. 391

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Bibliography<br />

Meloni, P. (1954) 'Ancora sul calendario romano nell'anno délia battaglia de<br />

Pidna (168 a. Chr.)', Latomus 13: 553-68.<br />

Merkelbach, R. (1984) Mithras. Meisenheim.<br />

Merlac, P. (I960) Jupiter Dolichenus: essai d'interprétation et de synthèse. Paris.<br />

Meyer, M. W. (1987) The Ancient Mysteries: a Sourcebook. San Francisco.<br />

Michels, A. K. (1953) 'The topography and interpretation of the Lupercalia',<br />

Trans. Amer. Philol. Ass. 84: 35-59.<br />

(1967) The Calendar of the Roman Republic. Princeton.<br />

Millar, F. (1977) The Emperor in the Roman World, 31 B.C.-A.D. 337. London.<br />

( 1981 ) The Roman Empire and its Neighbours, 2nd edn. London.<br />

(1993) The Roman Near East, 31 B.C.-A.D. 337. Cambridge, MA.<br />

Miller, P. (1994) Dreams in Late Antiquity. Princeton.<br />

Mitchell, I. N. (1991) Cicero: the Senior Statesman. New Haven and London.<br />

Moke, D. F. (1975) Eroticism in the Greek Magical Papyri: Selected Studies. Ph.D.<br />

Univ. Minnesota.<br />

Momigliano, A. D. (1963a) 'An interim report on the origins of <strong>Rome</strong>', JRS 53:<br />

95-121, repr. in his Terzo cofitributo alia storia degli studi classici (1966),<br />

545-98. <strong>Rome</strong>.<br />

( 1963b) The Conflict between Paganism and Christianity in the Fourth Century.<br />

Oxford.<br />

(1967) (review of Alföldi (1965)),/ÄS57: 211-16, repr. in his Quarto<br />

contributif alba storia degli studi classici (1969), 487-99. <strong>Rome</strong>.<br />

(1984), 'The theological efforts of the Roman upper classes in the first century<br />

B.C.', Class. Phil. 79: 119-211, repr. in his On Pagans, Jews, and Christians<br />

(1987), 58-73. Middletown, Conn.<br />

(1989) 'The origins of <strong>Rome</strong>', Cambridge Ancient History, 2nd edn. VII. 2:<br />

52-112. Cambridge.<br />

Mommsen, T. (1899) Römisches Strafrecht. Leipzig.<br />

Moreau, P. (1982) Clodiana religio: un procès politique en 61 av. J.-C. Paris.<br />

Moretti, G. (1948) Ara Paris Augustae, 2 vols. <strong>Rome</strong>.<br />

Moretti, L. (1982—4) 'Frammenti vecchi e nuovi del commentario dei Ludi<br />

Secolari del 17 A.C.', Rend. Pont. Accad. 55-6: 361-79.<br />

Musurillo, H. A. (1954) The Acts of the Pagan Martyrs. Acta Alexandrinorum.<br />

Oxford.<br />

(1972) The Acts of the Christian Martyrs. Oxford.<br />

Mysteries (1983) Mysteries of Diana the Antiquities from Nemi in Nottingham<br />

Museums. Castle Museum, Nottingham.<br />

Nash, E. (1968) Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient <strong>Rome</strong>, 2 vols, revised edn.<br />

London.<br />

Neusner, J. (1964) 'Judaism at Dura-Europos', History of Religions 4: 81-102,<br />

repr. in his Early Rabbinic Judaism: Historical Studies in Religion, Literature<br />

and Art, 188-208. Leiden, 1975.<br />

Nicolet, C. (1980) The World of the Citizen in Republican <strong>Rome</strong>. London.<br />

Niebling, G. (1956) 'Laribus Augustis Magistri Primi. Der Beginn des<br />

Compitalkultes der Lares und des Genius Augusti', Historia 5: 303-31.<br />

Nielsen, I. (1993) 'Castor, aedes, templum', in Steinby (1993) 242-5.<br />

Nikiprowetzky, V. (1970) La troisième Sibylle. Paris.<br />

Nilsson, M. P. (1957) The Dionysiac Mysteries of the Hellenistic and Roman Age.<br />

Lund.<br />


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