1 Earliest Rome

1 Earliest Rome 1 Earliest Rome

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Gruen, E. S. (1990) Studies in Greek Culture and Roman Policy (Cincinnati<br />

Classical Studies 7). Leiden.<br />

Guarducci, M. (1946-8) Tre cippi latini arcaici con iscrizioni votive', Bull.<br />

Comm. Arch. Romall: 1-10.<br />

(1955) 'Albunea', in Studi in onoredi Gino Funaioli, 120-7. <strong>Rome</strong>.<br />

( 1971) 'Enea e Vesta', Rom. Mitt. 78:73-118, repr. in her Scritti scelti sulla<br />

religionegreca e romana esul Cristianesimo (EPRO 98), 198-256. Leiden,<br />

1983.<br />

(1979) 'I graffito natusprima luce nel Mitreo di Santa Prisca', in Bianchi<br />

(1979) 153-64.<br />

Guizzi, F. (1968) Aspetti giuridici delsacerdozio romano: ilsacerdozio di Vesta.<br />

Naples.<br />

Gutmann, J. ed. (1973) The Dura-Europos Synagogue: a Re-evaluation (1932—72)<br />

(Religion and the Arts 1, Amer. Acad. Rel.). Missoula.<br />

(1975) The Synagogue: Studies in Origins, Archaeology and Architecture. New<br />

York.<br />

(1981) Ancient Synagogues: The State of Research (Brown Judaic Stud. 22). Chico.<br />

(1984) 'Early synagogue and Jewish catacomb art', ANRWll. 21.2:<br />

1313-42.<br />

Hackethal, I. M. (1968) 'Studien zum Mithraskult in Rom', ZPE3: 221-54.<br />

Haenchen, E. (1971) The Acts of the Apostles. A Commentary. Oxford.<br />

Hall, A. S. (1973) 'New light on the capture of lsaura Vetus by P. Servilius<br />

Vatia', in Akten des VI Internationalen Kongresses für griechische und<br />

lateinische Epigraphik, München 1972 (Vestigia 17), 568-71. Munich.<br />

(1978) 'The Klarian oracle at Oenoanda', ZPE32: 263-8.<br />

Hallett, J. P. (1970) '"Over troubled waters": the meaning of the title pontifex',<br />

Trans. Amer. Philol. Ass. 101: 219-27.<br />

Hamerton-Kelly, R. G. ed. (1987) Violent Origins. Stanford.<br />

Hannah, R. (1986) 'The emperor's stars: the Conservatori portrait of<br />

Commodus', Amer.]. Arch. 90: 337-45.<br />

Hano, M. (1986) 'A l'origine du culte impérial: les autels des Lares Augusti.<br />

Recherches sur les thèmes iconographiques et leur signification', ANRWu.<br />

16.3:2333-81.<br />

Hanson, J. A. (1959) Roman Theater-Temples. Princeton.<br />

Hanson, R. P. C. (1980) 'The Christian attitude to pagan religions up to the<br />

time of Constantine the Great', ANRWu. 23.2: 910-73.<br />

Hardie, P. R. (1986) Kir^'/V Aeneid: Cosmos and imperium. Oxford.<br />

Hardy, E. G. (1912) Three Spanish Charters. Oxford.<br />

Harmon, D. P. (1978) 'The public festivals of <strong>Rome</strong>', ANRWu. 16.2:<br />

1440-68.<br />

Harris, W. V. ( 1979) War and Imperialism in Republican <strong>Rome</strong> 327-70 B.C.<br />

Oxford.<br />

Henderson, J. (1989) 'Satire writes "woman": Gendersong, Proc. Camb. Philol.<br />

Soc. 215, n.s. 35: 50-80.<br />

(1994) 'Hanno's Punic heirs: die Poenulusneid des Plautus', in Ramus<br />

23:24-54.<br />

Henig, M. (1984) Religion in Roman Britain. London.<br />

Henrichs, A. (1978) 'Greek maenadism from Olympias to Messalina', Haw.<br />

Stud. Class. Philol. 82: 121-60.

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