1 Earliest Rome

1 Earliest Rome 1 Earliest Rome

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12.2 A society of Diana and Antinous Augustus and to the entire Augustan house, to us, to ours, and to our society, and may we have made proper and careful arrangements for providing decent funerals for the dead! Therefore we must all agree to contribute faithfully, so that we may be able to continue in existence a [long] time. You who wish to enter this society as a new member, first read the by-laws carefully before doing so, so as not to find cause for complaint later or bequeath a lawsuit to your heir. By-laws of the Society (20) [It was voted] unanimously that whoever wishes to enter this society shall pay an entry fee of 100 sestertii and an amphora of good wine, and shall pay monthly dues of 5 asses . 4 It was also voted that if anyone has not paid his dues for six consecutive months and the common lot of mankind befalls him, his claim to burial shall not be considered, even if he has made provision for it in his will. It was also voted that upon the decease of a paid-up member of our body there will be due to him from the fund 300 sestertii, from which sum will be deducted a funeral fee of 50 sestertii to be distributed at the pyre; the obsequies, furthermore, will be performed on foot. (26) It was also voted that if a member dies more than 20 miles away from town and notification is made, three people chosen from our body will be required to go there to arrange for his funeral; they will be required to render an account in good faith to the membership, and if they are found guilty of any fraud they shall pay a quadruple fine; they will be given [money for the funeral costs], and in addition a return trip allowance of 20 sestertH each. But if a member dies further than 20 miles [from town] and notification is unable to be made, then his funeral costs, less emoluments and funeral fee, [may be claimed], in accordance with the by-laws of the society, by the man who buries him, if he so attests by an affidavit signed with the seals of seven Roman citizens, and the matter is approved, and he gives security against anyone's claiming any further sum. Let no malice aforethought attend! And let no patron or patroness, master or mistress, or creditor have any right of claim against this society unless he has been named heir in a will. If a member dies intestate, the details of his burial will be decided by the qidnquennalis and the membership. (3) It was also voted that if a slave member of this society dies, and his master or mistress unreasonably refuses to relinquish his body for burial, and he has not left written instructions, a token funeral ceremony will be held. (5) It was also voted that if any member takes his own life for any reason whatever, his claim to burial shall not be considered. (7) It was also voted that if any slave member of this society is liberated, he is required to donate an amphora of good wine. (8) It was also voted that if any president, In the year when It is his turn in the membership list to provide dinner, fails to comply and does not do so, he shall pay thirty 293

12. R E L I G I O U S G R O U P S sestertii to the fund; the man next on the list shall be required to give it, and he shall be required to reciprocate when it is the latter's turn. (11) Diary of dinners: 8 days before Ides of March , birthday of Caesennius ... his father; 5 5 days before Kalends of December , birthday of Antmous; Ides of August , birthday of Diana and of the society; 13 days before Kalends of September , birthday of Caesennius Silvanus, his brother; Day before Nones [of September?] birthday of Cornelia Procula, his mother; 19 days before Kalends of January to conduct worship with [incense] and wine and is to perform his other functions clothed in white, and that on the [birthjdays of Diana and Antinous he is to provide oil for the society in the public bath [before] they banquet. 294 1. Favourite of che Emperor Hadrian, who died A.D. 130 and received cult in various parts of the empire, though not official deification in Rome; see also 11.5a. 2. The principal officer of the society, who served for a five-year term. 3. The capital sum was generous, higher than the median average of 10,000 sestertii attested for Italian foundations. 4. 40 sestertiiwas roughly equivalent to a month's subsistence for a poor peasant family. 5. Father of the patron, Caesennius Rufus.

12. R E L I G I O U S G R O U P S<br />

sestertii to the fund; the man next on the list shall be required to give it, and he shall be required to reciprocate when it is the latter's turn.<br />

(11) Diary of dinners: 8 days before Ides of March , birthday of Caesennius<br />

... his father; 5<br />

5 days before Kalends of December , birthday of Antmous; Ides<br />

of August , birthday of Diana and of the society; 13 days before Kalends of<br />

September , birthday of Caesennius Silvanus, his brother; Day before Nones<br />

[of September?] birthday of Cornelia Procula, his mother; 19 days before<br />

Kalends of January to<br />

conduct worship with [incense] and wine and is to perform his other functions clothed in<br />

white, and that on the [birthjdays of Diana and Antinous he is to provide oil for the<br />

society in the public bath [before] they banquet.<br />

294<br />

1. Favourite of che Emperor Hadrian, who died A.D. 130 and received cult in various parts<br />

of the empire, though not official deification in <strong>Rome</strong>; see also 11.5a.<br />

2. The principal officer of the society, who served for a five-year term.<br />

3. The capital sum was generous, higher than the median average of 10,000 sestertii<br />

attested for Italian foundations.<br />

4. 40 sestertiiwas roughly equivalent to a month's subsistence for a poor peasant family.<br />

5. Father of the patron, Caesennius Rufus.

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