1 Earliest Rome

1 Earliest Rome

1 Earliest Rome


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12.2 A society of Diana and Antinous<br />

Augustus and to the entire Augustan house, to us, to ours, and to our society, and may we<br />

have made proper and careful arrangements for providing decent funerals for the dead!<br />

Therefore we must all agree to contribute faithfully, so that we may be able to continue in<br />

existence a [long] time. You who wish to enter this society as a new member, first read the<br />

by-laws carefully before doing so, so as not to find cause for complaint later or bequeath a<br />

lawsuit to your heir.<br />

By-laws of the Society<br />

(20) [It was voted] unanimously that whoever wishes to enter this society shall pay an<br />

entry fee of 100 sestertii and an amphora of good wine, and shall pay monthly dues of 5<br />

asses . 4<br />

It was also voted that if anyone has not paid his dues for six<br />

consecutive months and the common lot of mankind befalls him, his claim to burial shall<br />

not be considered, even if he has made provision for it in his will. It was also voted that<br />

upon the decease of a paid-up member of our body there will be due to him from the<br />

fund 300 sestertii, from which sum will be deducted a funeral fee of 50 sestertii to be<br />

distributed at the pyre; the obsequies, furthermore, will be performed on foot.<br />

(26) It was also voted that if a member dies more than 20 miles away from town and<br />

notification is made, three people chosen from our body will be required to go there to<br />

arrange for his funeral; they will be required to render an account in good faith to the<br />

membership, and if they are found guilty of any fraud they shall pay a quadruple fine;<br />

they will be given [money for the funeral costs], and in addition a return trip allowance<br />

of 20 sestertH each. But if a member dies further than 20 miles [from town] and<br />

notification is unable to be made, then his funeral costs, less emoluments and funeral fee,<br />

[may be claimed], in accordance with the by-laws of the society, by the man who buries<br />

him, if he so attests by an affidavit signed with the seals of seven Roman citizens, and the<br />

matter is approved, and he gives security against anyone's claiming any further sum. Let<br />

no malice aforethought attend! And let no patron or patroness, master<br />

<br />

or mistress, or creditor have any right of claim against this society unless he has been<br />

named heir in a will. If a member dies intestate, the details of his burial will be decided<br />

by the qidnquennalis and the membership.<br />

(3) It was also voted that if a slave member of this society dies, and his master or<br />

mistress unreasonably refuses to relinquish his body for burial, and he has not left written<br />

instructions, a token funeral ceremony will be held.<br />

(5) It was also voted that if any member takes his own life for any reason whatever, his<br />

claim to burial shall not be considered.<br />

(7) It was also voted that if any slave member of this society is liberated, he is required<br />

to donate an amphora of good wine.<br />

(8) It was also voted that if any president, In the year when It is his turn in the<br />

membership list to provide dinner, fails to comply and does not do so, he shall pay thirty<br />


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