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On the north the basin ot" Kamunta is shut in by a high<br />

crest of the limestone ridge known as Kion Khokh. This should<br />

be a fine panoramic point ; it is interesting also to the glacialist,<br />

for on its shoulders, at a height of 10,000 feet, M. E. Favre<br />

found grranite erratic boulders.<br />

Kamunta stands on a tributary of the Urukh. A path leads<br />

along the stream, down the valley. As the weather improved,<br />

we caught from time to time glimpses of the great Songuta<br />

Glacier. We determined, therefore, , to take the hill-path which<br />

leads to Zinago, a hamlet close to the foot of my old acquaintance,<br />

the Karagom Glacier. We camped in a narrow valley, the<br />

true Skatikom, between two grass-passes. Signor Sella gave<br />

some days to the exploration of the higher ridges which separate<br />

the glaciers of this glen from the Karagom. He found the Kosh<br />

owner a person of strong commercial instincts. He was selling his<br />

sour milk to some families who had come up for a '<br />

cure '<br />

after the<br />

local fashion I have already noticed. He even made a charge to<br />

Signor Sella for each day his horses were turned out to pasture.<br />

The climb to the next pass was over an interminable meadow,<br />

glorious with unmown and unpastured flowers. Loud were the<br />

lamentations of our Swiss followers on the waste of natural<br />

wealth involved in the absence of herds. When at last we<br />

gained the ridge, we saw far beneath us the open valley<br />

of the<br />

Urukh, framed between its granite walls and shadowed by the<br />

clifts and glaciers of Laboda. Clouds had not yet obscured the<br />

distant heights : beyond<br />

the broad saddle of the Shtuluvsek the<br />

great peaks of the Central Group met our eyes. The descent<br />

brought us into a most picturesque region. Waterfalls dashed<br />

down the crags on our left, forests climbed up from the valley,<br />

glaciers gleamed in the hollows above the deep<br />

trench where the<br />

frozen fiord of the Karagom still lay hid. Even in the villages<br />

conspicuous towers shot up above the horizontal grass-roofs.<br />

We halted at Zmago to examine the curious group of tombs<br />

here figured. They are small oblong edifices with convex curved<br />

roofs and ledges along the sides, on which trophies of the chase<br />

are laid as oft'erings. They thus resemble, on a small scale, and

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