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Of Laurel ever green, and branching Palm, With all his Trophies hung, and Acts enroll'd In copious Legend, or sweet Lyric Song. Thither shall all the valiant youth resort, And from his memory inflame thir breasts To matchless valour, and adventures high: 1740 The Virgins also shall on feastful days Visit his Tomb with flowers, only bewailing His lot unfortunate in nuptial choice, >From whence captivity and loss of eyes. Chor: All is best, though we oft doubt, What th' unsearchable dispose Of highest wisdom brings about, And ever best found in the close. Oft he seems to hide his face, But unexpectedly returns 1750 And to his faithful Champion hath in place Bore witness gloriously; whence Gaza mourns And all that band them to resist His uncontroulable intent, His servants he with new acquist Of true experience from this great event With peace and consolation hath dismist, And calm of mind all passion spent. The End. APPENDIX. Specimen of Milton's spelling, from the Cambridge autograph manuscript. ON TIME set on a clock case Fly envious Time till thou run out thy race call on the lazie leaden-stepping howres whose speed is but the heavie plummets pace & glut thy selfe wth what thy womb devoures Wch is no more then what is false & vaine

& meerly mortall drosse so little is our losse so little is thy gaine for when as each thing bad thou hast entomb'd & last of all thy greedie selfe consum'd 10 then long Aeternity shall greet our blisse wth an individuall kisse and Joy shall overtake us as a flood when every thing yt is sincerely good & pfectly divine with Truth, & Peace, & Love shall ever shine about the supreme throne of him t' whose happy-making sight alone when once our heav'nly-guided soule shall clime then all this earthie grossnesse quit 20 attir'd wth starres wee shall for ever sit Triumphing over Death, & Chance, & thee O Time. End of the Project Gutenberg E-text of The Poetical Works of John Milton.

& meerly mortall drosse<br />

so little is our losse<br />

so little is thy gaine<br />

for when as each thing bad thou hast entomb'd<br />

& last of all thy greedie selfe consum'd 10<br />

then long Aeternity shall greet our blisse<br />

wth an individuall kisse<br />

and Joy shall overtake us as a flood<br />

when every thing yt is sincerely good<br />

& pfectly divine<br />

with Truth, & Peace, & Love shall ever shine<br />

about the supreme throne<br />

of him t' whose happy-making sight alone<br />

when once our heav'nly-guided soule shall clime<br />

then all this earthie grossnesse quit 20<br />

attir'd wth starres wee shall for ever sit<br />

Triumphing over Death, & Chance, & thee O Time.<br />

End of the Project Gutenberg E-text of The Poetical Works of John Milton.

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