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Sam: Brethren farewel, your company along<br />

I will not wish, lest it perhaps offend them<br />

To see me girt with Friends; and how the sight<br />

Of me as of a common Enemy,<br />

So dreaded once, may now exasperate them<br />

I know not. Lords are Lordliest in thir wine,<br />

And the well-feasted Priest then soonest fir'd<br />

With zeal, if aught Religion seem concern'd: 1420<br />

No less the people on thir Holy-days<br />

Impetuous, insolent, unquenchable;<br />

Happ'n what may, of me expect to hear<br />

Nothing dishonourable, impure, unworthy<br />

Our God, our Law, my Nation, or my self,<br />

The last of me or no I cannot warrant.<br />

Chor: Go, and the Holy One<br />

Of Israel be thy guide<br />

To what may serve his glory best, & spread his name<br />

Great among the Heathen round: 1430<br />

Send thee the Angel of thy Birth, to stand<br />

Fast by thy side, who from thy Fathers field<br />

Rode up in flames after his message told<br />

Of thy conception, and be now a shield<br />

Of fire; that Spirit that first rusht on thee<br />

In the camp of Dan<br />

Be efficacious in thee now at need.<br />

For never was from Heaven imparted<br />

Measure of strength so great to mortal seed,<br />

As in thy wond'rous actions Hath been seen. 1440<br />

But wherefore comes old Manoa in such hast<br />

With youthful steps? much livelier than e're while<br />

He seems: supposing here to find his Son,<br />

Or of him bringing to us some glad news?<br />

Man: Peace with you brethren; my inducement hither<br />

Was not at present here to find my Son,<br />

By order of the Lords new parted hence<br />

To come and play before them at thir Feast.<br />

I heard all as I came, the City rings<br />

And numbers thither flock, I had no will, 1450<br />

Lest I should see him forc't to things unseemly.<br />

But that which moved my coming now, was chiefly<br />

To give ye part with me what hope I have<br />

With good success to work his liberty.

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