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The only sign of our obedience left Among so many signes of power and rule Conferrd upon us, and Dominion giv'n 430 Over all other Creatures that possesse Earth, Aire, and Sea. Then let us not think hard One easie prohibition, who enjoy Free leave so large to all things else, and choice Unlimited of manifold delights: But let us ever praise him, and extoll His bountie, following our delightful task To prune these growing Plants, & tend these Flours, Which were it toilsom, yet with thee were sweet. To whom thus Eve repli'd. O thou for whom 440 And from whom I was formd flesh of thy flesh, And without whom am to no end, my Guide And Head, what thou hast said is just and right. For wee to him indeed all praises owe, And daily thanks, I chiefly who enjoy So farr the happier Lot, enjoying thee Preeminent by so much odds, while thou Like consort to thy self canst no where find. That day I oft remember, when from sleep I first awak't, and found my self repos'd 450 Under a shade on flours, much wondring where And what I was, whence thither brought, and how. Not distant far from thence a murmuring sound Of waters issu'd from a Cave and spread Into a liquid Plain, then stood unmov'd Pure as th' expanse of Heav'n; I thither went With unexperienc't thought, and laid me downe On the green bank, to look into the cleer Smooth Lake, that to me seemd another Skie. As I bent down to look, just opposite, 460 A Shape within the watry gleam appeerd Bending to look on me, I started back, It started back, but pleasd I soon returnd, Pleas'd it returnd as soon with answering looks Of sympathie and love, there I had fixt Mine eyes till now, and pin'd with vain desire, Had not a voice thus warnd me, What thou seest, What there thou seest fair Creature is thy self, With thee it came and goes: but follow me, And I will bring thee where no shadow staies 470 Thy coming, and thy soft imbraces, hee Whose image thou art, him thou shall enjoy Inseparablie thine, to him shalt beare

Multitudes like thy self, and thence be call'd Mother of human Race: what could I doe, But follow strait, invisibly thus led? Till I espi'd thee, fair indeed and tall, Under a Platan, yet methought less faire, Less winning soft, less amiablie milde, Then that smooth watry image; back I turnd, 480 Thou following cryd'st aloud, Return fair Eve, Whom fli'st thou? whom thou fli'st, of him thou art, His flesh, his bone; to give thee being I lent Out of my side to thee, neerest my heart Substantial Life, to have thee by my side Henceforth an individual solace dear; Part of my Soul I seek thee, and thee claim My other half: with that thy gentle hand Seisd mine, I yeilded, and from that time see How beauty is excelld by manly grace 490 And wisdom, which alone is truly fair. So spake our general Mother, and with eyes Of conjugal attraction unreprov'd, And meek surrender, half imbracing leand On our first Father, half her swelling Breast Naked met his under the flowing Gold Of her loose tresses hid: he in delight Both of her Beauty and submissive Charms Smil'd with superior Love, as Jupiter On Juno smiles, when he impregns the Clouds 500 That shed May Flowers; and press'd her Matron lip With kisses pure: aside the Devil turnd For envie, yet with jealous leer maligne Ey'd them askance, and to himself thus plaind. Sight hateful, sight tormenting! thus these two Imparadis't in one anothers arms The happier Eden, shall enjoy thir fill Of bliss on bliss, while I to Hell am thrust, Where neither joy nor love, but fierce desire, Among our other torments not the least, 510 Still unfulfill'd with pain of longing pines; Yet let me not forget what I have gain'd >From thir own mouths; all is not theirs it seems: One fatal Tree there stands of Knowledge call'd, Forbidden them to taste: Knowledge forbidd'n? Suspicious, reasonless. Why should thir Lord Envie them that? can it be sin to know, Can it be death? and do they onely stand By Ignorance, is that thir happie state,

Multitudes like thy self, and thence be call'd<br />

Mother of human Race: what could I doe,<br />

But follow strait, invisibly thus led?<br />

Till I espi'd thee, fair indeed and tall,<br />

Under a Platan, yet methought less faire,<br />

Less winning soft, less amiablie milde,<br />

Then that smooth watry image; back I turnd, 480<br />

Thou following cryd'st aloud, Return fair Eve,<br />

Whom fli'st thou? whom thou fli'st, of him thou art,<br />

His flesh, his bone; to give thee being I lent<br />

Out of my side to thee, neerest my heart<br />

Substantial Life, to have thee by my side<br />

Henceforth an individual solace dear;<br />

Part of my Soul I seek thee, and thee claim<br />

My other half: with that thy gentle hand<br />

Seisd mine, I yeilded, and from that time see<br />

How beauty is excelld by manly grace 490<br />

And wisdom, which alone is truly fair.<br />

So spake our general Mother, and with eyes<br />

Of conjugal attraction unreprov'd,<br />

And meek surrender, half imbracing leand<br />

On our first Father, half her swelling Breast<br />

Naked met his under the flowing Gold<br />

Of her loose tresses hid: he in delight<br />

Both of her Beauty and submissive Charms<br />

Smil'd with superior Love, as Jupiter<br />

On Juno smiles, when he impregns the Clouds 500<br />

That shed May Flowers; and press'd her Matron lip<br />

With kisses pure: aside the Devil turnd<br />

For envie, yet with jealous leer maligne<br />

Ey'd them askance, and to himself thus plaind.<br />

Sight hateful, sight tormenting! thus these two<br />

Imparadis't in one anothers arms<br />

The happier Eden, shall enjoy thir fill<br />

Of bliss on bliss, while I to Hell am thrust,<br />

Where neither joy nor love, but fierce desire,<br />

Among our other torments not the least, 510<br />

Still unfulfill'd with pain of longing pines;<br />

Yet let me not forget what I have gain'd<br />

>From thir own mouths; all is not theirs it seems:<br />

One fatal Tree there stands of Knowledge call'd,<br />

Forbidden them to taste: Knowledge forbidd'n?<br />

Suspicious, reasonless. Why should thir Lord<br />

Envie them that? can it be sin to know,<br />

Can it be death? and do they onely stand<br />

By Ignorance, is that thir happie state,

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