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and send it to Khurasan, and see what khwa'ja Imam 'Umar-i-<br />

Khayyami says."<br />

r<br />

The King saw that the poor wretches did not speak amiss.<br />

He therefore summoned one of his accomplished courtiers and<br />

said, "Hold a wine-party *at your house to-morrow. Invite this<br />

astrologer of Ghazna, giye him wine., and, when he is overcome<br />

with wine, enquire of him, saying, '<br />

That moment determined by<br />

thee was not good, and the astrologers find fault with it Tell me<br />

the secret of this.' "<br />

Then, the courtier tlid so, and, when his guest was drunk,<br />

made this enquiry of him. The Ghaznawi answered, " I knew<br />

that one of two things must happen either that ;<br />

army would be<br />

defeated, or this one. If the former, then I should be* loaded with<br />

concern himself about me?"<br />

1<br />

honours; and if the latter, who would<br />

Next day th.e courtier reported this conversation to the King,<br />

who ordered the Gkaznawi sooth-sayer to be expelled, saying,<br />

"<br />

Such a man holding such views about good Musulmans is<br />

t<br />

unlucky." Then 1 he summoned his own astrologers and restored<br />

his confidence to them, saying, u I myself held this sooth-sayer<br />

to be an enemy, because he never said his prayers, and one who<br />

agrees not with our Holy Law, agrees not with us."<br />


In the year A.H. 547 (A.D. 1 1 52-3)2 a battle was fought between<br />

the King of the World Sanjar ibn (11) Malikshah and my lord<br />

3<br />

the King 'Ala'u'd-Dunya wa'd-Din at the Gates of Awba and<br />

;<br />

the army of Ghur was defeated, and my lord the King of the<br />

East (may God perpetuate his reign !) was taken prisoner, and<br />

my lord's son the Just King Shafnsu'd-Dawla wa'd-Din Muhammad<br />

ibn Mas'ud 4 was taken captive at the hands of the<br />

Comma.nder-m-Chief(Amtr-i-stflahsa/ar)YaranqushHan\va. The<br />

ransom was fixed at fifty thousand dinars, and a messenger from<br />

him was to go to the court at Bamiyan to press for this sum ;<br />

and when it reached Herat the Prince was to be released, being<br />

already accorded his liberty by the Lord of the World (>anjar) 8 ,<br />

who, moreover, at the time of his departure from Hera'i, granted<br />

him a robe of honour. It was under these circumstances that<br />

I arrived to wait upon him.<br />

1 A. adds: "they killed him, and...."<br />

2 This is the correct date, but the Tefrikk-i-Guzida gives A.H. 544 (A.D.' 1149-<br />

1150). c<br />

- 3 A village near Hera"t.<br />

4 The second of the Kings of Shansab or Ghur who ruled over Bamiyani and the<br />

son of Fakhru'd-Din Mas'iid. See p. IV of the Persian notes and Nbte'I at the^nd.<br />

8 The meaning appears to be that a ransom was demanded by the Amir Yaranqush,<br />

the Prince's actual captor, but not by his over-lord Sanjar.<br />

t<br />


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