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, 65<br />

When he reached the gate of 'file house, he saw standing<br />

there many handsomely-caparisoned hdrses -belonging to descendants<br />

of thfe Prophet 1 and other eminent and notable persons<br />

of Baghdad. Having mAde enquiries, he went, in, entered tt*e<br />

circle in front of Ya'qub, greeted him, and said, " I desire to<br />

study somewhat of the ^Scie^ce of the jStars<br />

with our Master."<br />

"<br />

" Thou hast come from the East to 'slay me, not to study<br />

Astrology," replied Ya'qub, " but thou wilt repent of thine<br />

intention, study the Stars, attain perfection in that science, and<br />

become one of the greatest Astrologers amongst the People of<br />

Muhammad (on whom be God's Blessing and Peace)." All the<br />

great Aien there assembled, were astonished at these words; and<br />

Abu Ma'shai* confessed and produced the knife from the middle<br />

of the book, broke it, and ca$t it away. Then he bent his knees<br />

and studied for fifteen years, until he attained^<br />

in Astrology<br />

that eminence which was his. (Y) ,<br />

. ANECDOTE<br />

XXIII.<br />

It is related that once when Yaminud-Dawla Sultan Mahmud<br />

ibn Nasiru'd-Din 3 was sitting on the roof of a four-doored<br />

summer-house in Ghazna, in the Garden of a Thousand Trees,<br />

he turned his face to Abu Rayhan 4 and said, "By which of these<br />

four doors shall I go out ? "<br />

(for all four were practicable). " Decide<br />

and write the decision on a piece of paper, and put it under<br />

my quilt." Abu Rayhan called for an astrolabe, took the altitude,<br />

deterrnined the Ascendant, reflected for a while, and then wrote<br />

down his decision on a piece of paper, and placed it under the<br />

quilt. "Hast thou decided?" asked Mahmud. He answered,,<br />

"<br />

I have."<br />

Then Mahmud bade them bring a navvy with pick-axe and<br />

spade, and in the wall which was on the eastern side they dug<br />

out a fifth door, through which he went out. Then he bade them<br />

bring the paper. 'So, they brought it, and on it Abu Rayhan had*<br />

written, " He will go out through none of these four doors, but<br />

they will dig a fifth door in the eastern wall, by which door he<br />

will go Forth." Mahmud, on reading this, was furious, and bade<br />

them cast "Abu Rayhan down in the midst of the palace, and so<br />

they did. Now there was stretched a net from the middle floor,<br />

and on it Abu Rayhan fell. The net tore, and he subsided gently<br />

to the Aground, so that he received no injury. "Bring him in,"<br />

said M*ahmud. So they brought him in, and Mahmud said, " O<br />

Abu Rayhan, at all events thou didst not know about this event! "<br />

1<br />

t Literally, " of the Band Hashim."<br />

2<br />

See n. 3 gn 9. 63 supra and Note XXIII at the end.<br />

8 I.e. the great Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna (reigned A.H. 388-421, A.D. 998-1030).<br />

4 Al-Biruni. See n. i on p. 62 supra, and Note XXIII at the end.<br />

B. '<br />


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