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54<br />

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; ANECDOTE XX. ,<br />

Master Abu'l-Qasim Firdawsi 1 was ane of the Dihqans (landowners)<br />

of Tus, from a village called Bazh 2 in the district of<br />

Tabardn 3 a , large village capable of supplying a thousand men.<br />

There Firdawsi enjoyed' an excellent position, so that he was<br />

rendered quite independent of his neighbours by the income<br />

which he derived from his lands, and he had but one child, a<br />

daughter. His one desire in putting the Book of Kings (Shah- .<br />

mima) mto verse was, out of the reward which he might obtain<br />

for it, to supply her with an adequate dowry. He was engaged for<br />

twenty-five years on this work ere he'(tA) finished tke book, and<br />

to this end he left nothing undone,,. raising his verse as high as<br />

heaven, and causing it in sweet fluency to resemble running<br />

water. Whatgenius, indeed, could raise verse to such a height as<br />

he does in the letter written by Zal to Sam the son of Nariman<br />

in Mazandaran when he desired to ally himself with Ruddba the<br />

daughter of the King of Kabul 4 :<br />

"Then to Sdm straightway sent he a letter,<br />

Filled with fair praises, prayers and good greeting.<br />

First made he mention of the World^Maker, (<br />

Who doom dispenseth and doom fulfilleth.<br />

' On Nirants son Sdm,' wrote he, '<br />

the sword-lord,<br />

Mail-clad and mace-girt, may the Lord's fyeace rest!<br />

1 This anecdote is cited by Ibn Isfandiyar in his History of Tabaristdn \'A. H. 613,<br />

A.D. I2r6. See Rieu's Persian Catalogue^, pp. 202-204 and 533 b )> whence it was<br />

excerpted and published, with a German translation, by Ethe (Z.D.M.d., vol. xlviii,<br />

It<br />

pp. 89-94). was also utilized by Noldeke in 1896 in his Iranische Natiotialepos<br />

(Grundriss d. Iran. Philologie, vol. ii, pp. 150 et seqfi}. A revised edition of this<br />

valuable monograph has just appeared (Berlin and Leipzig, 1920). The references<br />

here given are, unless otherwise specified, to tbe original edition.<br />

2 The Bwkdit-i-QdtP is the only Persian or Arabic book of referente which<br />

makes mention of this place as situated near Tus.<br />

3 See Noldeke, loc. fit., p. 151 (p. 25 of the new edition), and Yaqiit, s.v. The<br />

city of Tus comprised the two districts of Tabaran (or Tabaran) and Niiqan. v<br />

4 These verses (with some variants) will be found on pp. 124-125 qf vol. i qf<br />

Turner Macan's edition of the Shdhndma (Calcutta, 1829).<br />

5 The printed text<br />

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