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46 .<br />

SECOND<br />


"So my* father's salary and 'allowances 1<br />

\tere transferred to me,<br />

and I became Malikshtih's court-poet, and spent a year in the<br />

King's service; yet during this time I was unable to see hhn '<br />

Sf.ve once Jrom a distance, nor did I get one dinar of my salary<br />

or one maund of my allpwances, while my expenditure was in-<br />

creased. I became involved in debt, and my brain was perplexed<br />

by my affairs. For that great Minister ttae Nizamu'1-Mulk (may<br />

God be merciful to him !), had no opinion of poetry, because he<br />

had no skill in it; nor did he pay any attention to any one<br />

except religious leaders and mystics.<br />

" One day it was the eve of the day on which [the new<br />

moon of] Ramadan was due [to appear], and I had not a forthing<br />

for all frhe expenses incidental to that month and th6 feast which<br />

follows<br />

marz<br />

it I went thus sad at heak to the Amir 'All ibn Far'a-<br />

2<br />

'Ala'u'd-Dawla, a man of royal parentage, a lover of poetry,<br />

and the intimate cpmpanion of the King, with whom he was<br />

connected by marriage and enjoyed the highest honour, and<br />

before whom he could speak boldly, for he held high rank under(<br />

that administration. And he had already been my patron.<br />

'<br />

I said, May my lord's life be long ! Not all that the father<br />

could do (tv) can the son do, nor does that which accrued to the<br />

father accrue to the son. My father was a bold and energetic<br />

man, and was sustained by his art, and the martyred King Alp<br />

Arslan, the lord of the world, entertained the highest opinion of<br />

him. But what he could do that can I not, for modesty forbids<br />

me, and my retiring disposition supports it. I have served- [this<br />

prince] for a year, and have contracted debts to the extent of a<br />

thousand dinars, and ,have not received a farthing. Crave permission,<br />

then, for thy servant to go to Nishapur, and discharge<br />

his de"bts, and live on that which is left over, and pray for this<br />

victorious Dynasty.'<br />

"'Thou speakest truly,' replied Amir 'Ah' : ',We have all<br />

been at fault, but this shall be so no longer. The King, at the<br />

time of Evening Prayer, will come out to look for the new moon.<br />

Thou must be present there, and we will see what chance Fortune<br />

will offer.' Thereupon he at once ordered me to receive a hundred<br />

dindrs to defray my Ramadan expenses, and a purse 3<br />

containing<br />

1<br />

According to the Editor's note (p. \1^ of the texj.) jdmagl is equivalent to the<br />

modern mawdjib or mustamirri, and means wages in cash, while ijrd (the modern<br />

jtra) means allowances, especially in kind,<br />

i<br />

2<br />

'Ali ibn Faramarz the Kakwayhid is intended. See S. Lane-Poole's Muhemmadau<br />

\T\-\Y- of the text. , is<br />

Dynasties, p. 145, and Mirza Muhammad's note on pp. He<br />

called Ddmdd ("son-in-law," but here in the wider sense of "sib") because in<br />

469/1076-7 he married Malikshah's paternal aunt, Arslan Khatiinj widow

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