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t<br />

'<br />

28<br />

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1"<br />

become Amir of Khurasan ? " " He replied, One day<br />

1<br />

reading the,Di'wan of Hanzala of Badghi's<br />

jistan, when I chanced on these two couplets :<br />

, in Badghi's<br />

3 j<br />

*<br />

If lordship lies -within the lion's jaws,<br />

Go, risk it, andfrom those dreadportals seize<br />

Such straight-confronting death as men desire,<br />

Or riches, greatness, rank and lasting ease.'<br />

I was<br />

of Khu-<br />

<br />

An impulse stirred within<br />

,.<br />

me swch that I< could* in no wise<br />

remain content with that condition wherein I was. I therefore<br />

sold my asses, bought a horse, and, quitting my country, entered<br />

the service of All ibri Layth, the brother of Ya'qub and 'Amr. (w)<br />

At that time the falcon of fortune of the Saffarids 2 still hovered<br />

at the highest zenith of its prosperity. Of the three brothers,<br />

'All was the youngest, and Ya'qub and 'Amr'had complete precedence<br />

over him. When Ya'qub came from Khurasan to Ghazna<br />

over the mountains, 'All ibn Layth sent me back from Ribdt-i-<br />

Sangtn* ('the Stone Rest-house') to act as agent to his feudal<br />

estates in Khurasan. I had a hundred horsemen of that army<br />

oh the road, and had with me besides some twenty horsemen of<br />

my own. Now of the estates held in fief by 'All ibn Layth one<br />

was Karukh 4 of Herat, a second Khwaf 5 of Nishapur. When<br />

I reached Karukh, I produced my warrant, and what wats paid<br />

to me I divided amongst the army and gave to the soldiers.<br />

My horsemen now numbered 1<br />

three hundred. When I reached<br />

Khwaf 5 and , again produced my warrant, the burghers of Khwaf<br />

contested it, saying, ' We<br />

Want a prefect with [a body-guard<br />

of only] ten jmen.' I therefore decided to, renounce ,my allegiance<br />

to the Saffaris, looted Khwaf, proceeded to the village<br />

i<br />

of Busht 6<br />

,<br />

'Abdu'llah al-Khujistani, who revolted at Nishapur and died i, 1 ! 264/877-8." (Barbier<br />

de Meynard's Diet. GJogr., Hist., et Lift, de la Perse, p. 197.*) The editor points out<br />

(Persian notes, p. \W, and Note XIII at the end) that, according to Ibnu'l-Athir,<br />

Ahmad was assassinated in Shawwal, 2,68/882, after having reigned at Nishapur six<br />

six years. See \hejournal Asiatiqne for 1845, pp. 345 et seqq. of the second half.<br />

1<br />

See Ethe's R&dagfs Vorldufer und Zeitgenossen, gp. 38-40, where these verses<br />

and others by the same poet are cited.<br />

2 The short-lived Saffarid dynasty was founded by Ya'qub ibn Layth in 1154/867.<br />

On his death in 265/878 he was succeeded by his brother 'Amr, who was overthrow.n<br />

by Isma'il the Samanid in 287/900 and was subsequently put to death.<br />

3 This place, evidently situated between Ghazna and Khurasf.n, has not been<br />

identified, unless, as Muhammad Iqbal suggests, it be identical with the Ribdt-i-Sangbast<br />

twice mentioned by Dawlatshah (pp. \ VI and -1 of my edition). v.<br />

4 A town situated at ten parasangs from Herat. See Barbier de MeyAard's Diet.<br />

Geogr., Hist*, et' Lift, de la Perse, p. 487, and p. 33 infra.<br />

5<br />

Ibid., pp f 213-214.<br />

6 Busht or Pusht is also in the district of Nishapur.<br />

*<br />


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