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riddles, 'and enigmatical questions. So the king, under these<br />

circumstances, stood in 'need of persons of intelligence and discrimination,<br />

and men of judgement and statesmanship and ; '<br />

several councils would DQ held and adjourned, until they were<br />

unanimous as to their answers, and these problems and enigmas<br />

1<br />

"were plain ang<br />

apparent, when they would despatch the am-<br />

bassador, e<br />

This practice was maintained until the time of that just king<br />

Mahmud ibn Subuktigin Yaminu'd-Dawla (may God have mercy<br />

upon him!). But when (vt) the Saljuqs succeeded him, they being<br />

nomads, ignorant of the conduct of affairs and the high achievements<br />

of kings, most of these royal customs became obsolete'-m<br />

their time, and many essentials of dominion felt into disuse. One of<br />

these was the Ministry of Posts, from which one can judge of the<br />

remainder. It i,s related that one day Sultan Mahmud Yammu'd-<br />

Dawla despatched ap ambassador to Bughra Khan in Transoxiana,<br />

and in the letter which had been drafted occurred this passage:<br />

" '<br />

God A Imighty saith, Verily the most honourable ofyou in God's <<br />

sight is he w/io is most pious of you 1 .' Investigators and critics<br />

are agreed that here he [i.e. the Prophet] guards himself from<br />

ignorance ; for the souls of men are subject to no more grievous<br />

defect than this of ignorance, nor is there aught lower than the<br />

blemish of folly. To the truth of this proposition and the soundness<br />

of this assertion [God's] uncreated word also bears witness:<br />

'<br />

[God ivill raise tip those ofyou who believe} and those to whom<br />

hath been given knowledge to [superior] degrees*' Therefor we<br />

desire that the Imams of the land of Transoxiana arfd the<br />

doctors of the East asd scholars of the Khaqan's Court should<br />

impart [to us] this much information as to matters essential [to<br />

Salvation]. What is the Prophetic Office, what Saintship, what<br />

Religion, what Islam, what Faith, what Well-doing, what Godliness,<br />

what the Approbation of Right, what the Prohibition of<br />

Wrong, what the Path, what the Balance, what Mercy, what Pity,<br />

what Justice, and what Excellence?"<br />

When this letter reached the Court of Bughra Khan, and<br />

he had acquainted himself with its purport and contents, he<br />

summoned the Imams of Transpxiana from the different towns<br />

and districts, and took counsel with them on this matter. Several<br />

of the greatest and most eminent of these Imams agreed that<br />

they should severally compose a treatise on this subject, and<br />

in the course of their dissertation introduce^ into the text a reply<br />

to these interrogations. They craved a delay of four months for<br />

this purpose ; which respite was fraught with all sbi;ts of detri-<br />

ments, theworst of which were the disbursements from the treasury<br />

for the expenses of the ambassadors and king's messengers, and<br />

1<br />

Qur'dti, xlix, 13.<br />

2<br />

Qur'dn, Iviii, 12.<br />


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