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, ,AL-MA'MUN'S MARRIAGE WITH PiiRA>r ''21<br />

his care and protection, (\^) so that through that bolmty and<br />

beneficence the people of Lamghan* h*ad reached^ their proper<br />

'position and were able to dwell on. that border ; but that, since<br />

their prosperity was sfill somewhat t shaken, they feared that,<br />

should he demand th,e contribution on,their possessions that year,<br />

some of them would be utterly ruined, and that, as a consequence*<br />

of this, loss might accrue to' the royal coffers.<br />

The minister, Ahmad-i-Hasan, therefore, extending his<br />

favour, excused them the taxes of yet another year. During<br />

these two years the people of Lamghan, grew rich, but this did<br />

not suffice them, for in the third year their greed reasserted<br />

T*elf, .nd, hoping again, to be excused, the same deputation<br />

again appeared at Court and made a similar representation.<br />

Then it became apparent to all the world that the people of<br />

Lamghan were in the wrong. So the Prime Minister turned the<br />

petition over and wrote on the back of it ; Al-khardju khurdjun,<br />

add'tihu dawd'uhu "<br />

"<br />

that is to say, The tax is a running<br />

sore 1 : its cure is its discharged And from the time of this great<br />

statesman this saying has become proverbial, and has proved<br />

useful in many cases. May the earth rest lightly on this great<br />

man !<br />


^<br />

.There arose great statesmen under the 'Abbasid dynasty, and<br />

indeed the history of the Barmecides is well known and famous,<br />

and 'to what extent and degree were their gifts and rewards.<br />

HasaVi [ibn] Sahl, called Dhur-Riydsatayn* (" the lord of two<br />

commands "), and his brother Fadl were exalted above the very<br />

heavens, so much so that Ma'mun espoused Fadl's daughter ayd<br />

asked her in marriage. Now she was a damsel peerless in beauty<br />

and unrivalled in attainments ; and it was agreed that Ma'mun<br />

should go to* the bride's house and remain there for'fl month, and<br />

a/ter the lapse of this period should return home with his bride.<br />

On the day fixed Jfor their departure he desired, as is customary,<br />

to array himselPjn better clothes. Now Ma'mun always wore<br />

black;* and people supposed that he wore it because black was<br />

the distinctive colour of the 'AJbbasids till one ; day Yahya ibn<br />

Aktham 3<br />

is it that the Prince of Believers<br />

Why<br />

enquired of him, "<br />

prefers black garments ? " "<br />

Ma'mun replied to the judge, Black<br />

garments are for men and for the living for no woman is married<br />

;<br />

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