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a<br />

, '17<br />

march against him wl'th seven thousand horsemen, suppress this<br />

rebellion, and put an end to this formfdable insurrection in whatever<br />

way he deemed most expedient.<br />

Now Tash was mighty sagacious, and clear in judgement,<br />

rashly involving himself in and skilfuljy extricating himself from<br />

the straitest passes ever victorious in ;<br />

warfare, and never turning*<br />

back disappointed fronji any enterprize, nor defeated from any<br />

campaign. While he lived, the dominion of the House of Saman<br />

enjoyed the greatest brilliancy, and their affairs the utmost<br />

i<br />

prosperity.<br />

On this occasion, then, the Amir, being mightily preoccupied<br />

aad distressed in mind, sent a messenger to summon Iskafi, and<br />

"<br />

held a private interview wkh him. I am greatly troubled,"<br />

said he, "<br />

by this business for Makan is a brave ; man, endowed<br />

with courage and manhood, and hath both ability, and generosity,<br />

so that there have been few like him amongst the B&ylamis. You<br />

must co-operate with Tash, and whatever is lacking to him in<br />

military strength at this crisis, you must make good by your<br />

counsels. And I will establish myself at Nishapur, so that the<br />

army may be supported from the base, and the foeman discouraged.<br />

Every day a swift messenger with a concise despatch 1<br />

from you must come to. me and in this you must set forth the<br />

pith of what may have happened, so that my anxieties may, vbe<br />

assuaged." Iskafi bowed and said, " I will obey."<br />

So next day Tash unfurled his standard, sounded his drums,<br />

and set out for the front from Bukhara, crossing the Oxus with<br />

seven 'thousand horsemen; while the Amir followed him with the<br />

remainder of the army to Nishapur. There he invested Tash and<br />

the army with robes of honour; and Tash marched out ar^d<br />

entered Bayhaq, and went forth into Kumish setting his face(\i)<br />

towards Ray with fixed purpose and firm resolve.<br />

Meanwhile Makan,. with ten thousand mailed , warriors, was<br />

encamped at the gates of Ray, which he had made his base.<br />

Tash arrived, passed by the city, and encamped over against<br />

him. Then messengers began to pass to and fro between them,<br />

but no. settlement was effected, for Makan was puffed up with<br />

pride on apcount of that high-hea/ted army which he had gathered<br />

together from every quarter. It was therefore decided that they<br />

should join battle.<br />

NQW Tdsh was an old wolf who for forty years had held the<br />

positioji of Commander-in-chief, and had witnessed many such<br />

it that when the two armies<br />

engagements; and he so arranged<br />

confronted one another, and the doughty warriors and champions<br />

1<br />

Mirza* Muhammad \<br />

(p. 1 of the Persian notes) has investigated the precise<br />

meajring of the* word mulattafa, here translated "concise despatch," and shews by<br />

quotations that it is used for a minutely and concisely written note capable of being<br />

easily concealed and secretly carried.<br />


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