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is effective for the well-being of the world ; for whatever others<br />

have, he has, while possessing also an' additional qualification<br />

Which 'they have not, that is to say communication with the<br />

Angelic World. This additional qualification is in brief termed<br />

the "Prophetic Function," and is in^ detail such as we have<br />

explained.<br />

Now so long as such a man lives, he points out to his people<br />

what things conduce to well-being in both worlds, by the Com-<br />

.mand of God, glorious is His Name, communicated to him by<br />

means of the Angels. But when, by natural dissolution, he turns<br />

his face towards the other world, he leaves behind him as his<br />

refiresejjtative a Code derived from the indications of God<br />

Almighty ahd his own sayings 1 . And assuredly he requires, to<br />

m'aintain his Law ana* Practice, a vice-gerent who must needs<br />

be the most excellent of that community and the most perfect<br />

product of that age, in order that he may maintainthis Law and<br />

give effect to this Code; and such an one is called an "Imam."<br />

But this Imam cannot reach the horizons of the East, the West,<br />

the North and the* South in such wise that the effects of his care<br />

may extend alike to the most remote and the nearest, and his<br />

command and prohibition may reach at once the intelligent and<br />

the ignorant. Therefore must he needs have vicars to act for<br />

him in distant parts of the world, and not every one of these will<br />

have such power that all mankind shall be compelled to acknofaledge<br />

it. Hence there must be an administrator and compeller,<br />

which administrator and compeller is called a "Monarch," that<br />

is to say, a king; and his vicarious function "Sovereignty." The<br />

king, therefore, is the lieutenant of the Imam, the Imam of the<br />

Prophet, and the Prophet of God'(mighty and glorious is He !).<br />

Well has Firdawsi said on this subject: (M)<br />

'<br />

"Then learn that the functions of Prophet and King<br />

Are set side by side like two stones in one ring."<br />

The Lord of ihe sons of men 2 himself hath said, "Church and<br />

Staff ore twins" since in form and essence neither differs from<br />

virtue of<br />

the other , either as regards increase or defect. So, by<br />

this decree, no burden, after the* Prophetic Office, is weightier<br />

than Sovereignty, nor* any function more laborious than that of<br />

governing. Hence a king needs round about him, as men on<br />

whose .counsel, judgement and deliberations depend the loosing<br />

and binding of the world, and the well-being and ill-being of the<br />

servants of ,C?od Almighty, such as are in every respect the most<br />

excellent and most perfect of their time.<br />

*<br />

4<br />

1<br />

I.e. the Syipture and the Traditions, in the case of the Prophet Muhammad the<br />

QuSdn and the Hadith.<br />

2 I.e. the Prophet Muhammad.<br />


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