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PROPHETS AND KiNks -3 -<br />

.j<br />

glorious !), who reaches the extreme term and limit in the service<br />

pf thin my Lord (whose exaltation may God perpetu*ate!)? Praise<br />

be to God thai this my I^ord falls sh6rt neither in reward nor retri-<br />

bution ; yea, by his face the world ertjoys clear vision, and li*fe<br />

a'blessing yet greater is this,<br />

passes sweetly by hi3 beauty ! And<br />

that the All-Perfect Benefactor and Unfailing Giver hath .be- 1<br />

stowed on him an unclolike the Lord of the World and Sovereign<br />

of the East, 'Ald'tt'd-Dunyd wa'd-Din Abu 'All al-Husayn ibnu'l-<br />

Husayn 1<br />

, Iklitiydru Amtrtl-Mu'minin (may God prolong his life<br />

and cause his kingdom to endure !), who, with fifty thousand mailclad<br />

men, strenuous in endeavour, hurled back all the hosts of the<br />

wcft-ld (t) ajid set in a corner all the kings of the age. May God<br />

(blessed and exalted is He \*) long vouchsafe all to one another,<br />

grant to all abundant enjoyment of one another's company, and<br />

fill the world with light by their achievements, 1^ His Favour,<br />

*<br />

and Bounty, and Grace !<br />


a<br />

This loyal se/vant and favoured retainer Ahmad ibn 'Umar<br />

ibn 'All an-Nizami al-'Arudi as-Samarqandi, who for forty-five<br />

years hath been devoted to the service of this House and inscribed<br />

in the register of service of this Dynasty, desireth to dedicate to<br />

the' Supreme Imperial Court (may God exalt it!) some work<br />

equipped according to the canons of Philosophy with decisive<br />

proofs and trenchant arguments, and to se,t forth therein what<br />

kingship truly is, who is truly king, whence is derived this<br />

honourable office, to whom rightly appertained! this favour, and<br />

in what manner such an one should shew his gratitude f6r, and<br />

after what fashion accept, this privilege, so that he may become<br />

second to th9 Lord of fhe sons of men 2 and third to the Creator<br />

of the Universe. For even so hath God, in His Incontrovertible<br />

Scripture and Eternal Word, co-ordinated on one thread and<br />

shewn forth on ojie string the pearls represented by these three<br />

exalted, titles. Obey God" saith He, " and obey the Apostle, and<br />

such as possess authority amongst yourselves*''<br />

For in 'the grades of existences and the ranks of the intelligibles,<br />

after the Prophetic Function, which is the supreme limit of man's<br />

attainment, there is no rank higher than kingship, which is naught<br />

else than a Divine gift. God, glorious and exalted is He, hath<br />

accorded this position to the King of this age, and bestowed on<br />

him this degree, so that he may walk after the way of former<br />

kings and maintain tne people after the manner of bygone ages.<br />

1 'Ala'u'd-Din Husayn, called Jahdn-s&z, "the world-consumer," A.H. 544-556<br />

(A.. 1 149-1 i6if. See Notes I and XV at the end, and p. 31, n. i ad calc.<br />

2 I.e. to the Prophet, who is subordinate only to God, as the king i$ to him.<br />

3 Qur'dn, iv, 62.

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