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'Ala'u'd.-Dawla Abu Ja'far Muhammad<br />

b. Dushmanziyar, called Ibn Kakuya<br />

'and Shahinshah (1007-1041), 90, 92-3,<br />

1 58, 162-3 'Alib. ; Paramarz (d. 1095),<br />

46-8<br />

'<br />

Ala'u'd-Din Husayn b. "<br />

Husayn Jahan-<br />

siiz" (Gifurid, 1149-1161), 3 and n.,<br />

30-1 and n.,<br />

102, 120-1 ;<br />

49 n., 59 n., 74, 96*, 101,<br />

Muhammad Khwarazmshah<br />

(xii), 108, in, 126<br />

Alcohoden, Alcochoden, Alchocoden (asjtrological<br />

term), 133, 164,<br />

Alexander the Great, 92<br />

Alexandria, 95<br />

Alfiyya wa Shalfiyya, 125<br />

167<br />

Algebra, 62 *<br />

'All b. Abu Talib (vii), 56, 57,<br />

<br />

58, 101 ;<br />

b. Layth (Saffarid, ix), 28; b.<br />

><br />

Rabban-Tabari (physician, ix),'*i4O,<br />

'<br />

149;' b. Abbas- Majvisi (physician,<br />

the " Haly Abbas" of mediaeval Europe,<br />

d.<br />

994), 79 n., 154-5; b. Muhtaj-<br />

Kashjim (described as Chamberlain of<br />

Alptagin, x), 15; b. Ma'mun b. Muhammad<br />

Khwarazmshah (x-xi), 161 ;<br />

b. Faramarz, see above under 'Ala'u'd-<br />

Dawla ; b. Qarib, called Hdjib-i-<br />

Buzurg ("the Great Chamberlain"),<br />

38, 122 ; Day lam (xi), 55 ; Kha.ss<br />

Panidhi (poet), 30, 52,118;<br />

Shatranji (poet), 30, 118; Sipihri<br />

(xi), 50 ;<br />

(pet), 29 n., 30, 52 ; Sufi (poet),<br />

29 n. , 30<br />

Abu 'All ibn Sina, see Avicenna ;<br />

Muhammad, see -Bal'ami Ahmad<br />

;<br />

b. Muhtaj (d. 955), 105, 106, 107, 122<br />

Allen, Edward Heron , 139 n.<br />

, Almagest (of Claudius Ptolemy), 63, 164,<br />

165<br />

Almuten (astrological term), 164, 167<br />

Alp Arslan (Saljuq, xi), 46, 48 n., 104,<br />

125, 126, 138, 163<br />

Alp Ghazi, Shihabu'd-Dawla Qutulmush<br />

(Saljuq, xi), 52, 1.^5, 126; but the text<br />

traAsmitted to us has apparently confounded<br />

two different people<br />

Alptagin ^x), 15, 16, 24 n., 106, 109<br />

'Am'aq of Bukhara (poet, xii), 30, 52, 53,<br />

118, 127<br />

'Amid-i-As'ad (patron of the poet Far-<br />

rukhi), 40, 43,' 44<br />

'Amid Safiyyu'd-Din Abii Bakr Muhammad<br />

b. -Husayn Kawans'jahi (xii), 59,<br />

60-6 1<br />

'AmfdVl-Mulk. See -Kunduri<br />

Ibnu'l-'Amid, 104<br />

Amyanshah b. Qawurd (Saljuq of Kirman,<br />

xi), 124<br />

Amir-Dad Abu Bakr b. Mas'ud (fl.<br />

1 i 14),<br />

68-9<br />

'Amr b. Layth (Saffarid, ix), 28 and n.,<br />

39 n., [13<br />

Amu, Amul (town on Oxus), m and n.<br />

169,<br />

Ansab. See Sam'ani<br />

Ansari. See 'Abdu'llah , Shaykh ,<br />

and Pir<br />

Antioch, 146 ^ 5<br />

Anusharwan, Khi^sraw (Sasanian king,<br />

viL 146<br />

-'Aqili, Sayfu'd-Dfns (author of th^<br />

AthdruU-Wuzara), 104 3 ,<br />

Arab conquest of Persia, 146<br />

Ibn 'Arabshah (xv), 109 ,<br />

A l<br />

rddi?r-RiydsatfiAghrddi ><br />

s-Siydsat\yj<br />

Baha'u'd-Dm-Zahiri of Samarqand, 127<br />

Ardash?!- (father of Ibn 'Afcbadi,

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