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163<br />

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i<br />

In this Anecdote (XXXVIII) two errors occur, for Avicenna acted<br />

as Minister to Shamsu'd-Dawla ibn Falthru'd-Dawla (brother, of the<br />

. above-mentioned M^jdu'd^-Dawla) at Hamadan, not to ''Ala'u'd JDawlj,<br />

whom he never served in this capacity, and who, moreover, lived no? at<br />

Ray, but at Isfahan, whither Avicenna 'went to attach himself to his<br />

Court in 412/1011-2 on Pfce death of Shamsu'd-Dawla apd the accession<br />

of his son Sama'u'd-Dawla. *<br />

, , Note XXXI. The Shaykh<br />

'Abdu'llah Ansari.<br />

(Text, p. 84; Persian notes, pp. 255-8.)<br />

The Shaykhu'l-Islam Abu" Isma'il 'Abdil'llah ibn Abi Mansiir Muhammad..^!-Ansari<br />

al-Khazraji al-Hirawi traced his pedigree to Abii<br />

Ayyub, a well-known companion of the Prophet. He was born on<br />

Sha'ban 2, ^96 (May 4, 1006), and died towards the end of A.H. 481<br />

(March, 1088). He was a notable traditionist and theologian, and, in<br />

spite of his fanatical attachment to the narrow and anthropomorphic<br />

doctrine's of the Hanbali school and his hatred of philosophers, who<br />

stood in terror of him, was accounted a leading Jjiifi. In Persia he is<br />

generally known as Khwaja 'Abdu'llah Ansari. In his Persian poems<br />

and quatrains, which are highly esteemed and have been repeatedly<br />

lithographed in Persia, he calls himself Ansari, Pir-i-Ansar, and Pir-i-<br />

Hiri. The prayers (Mundjdt] which he composed in Persian are also<br />

greatly admired. He used to lecture on the lives of the Saints, taking<br />

as his text the Tabaqdtu's-Si'ifiyya of as-Sulami, and adding observations<br />

of his own. One of his disciples took down these lectures in the<br />

ancient language of Herat, and on this version Jami based his wellknown<br />

Hagiography the Nafahdtu'l-Uns 1 . Ofhis numerous works there<br />

still exist, besides those already mentioned, a condemnation of Scholastic<br />

2<br />

Philosophy (Dhammrfl-Kaldni) in Arabic , a less rare treatise in the same<br />

language entitled Mandzilu's-Sd'irm ildl-Haqqi'l-Mubin, and in Persian<br />

a tract entitled Zddu'l- l<br />

Arifm ?<br />

'; and another, of which extracts are<br />

preserved 4<br />

called the "Book ,<br />

of Mysteries" (Kitdb-i-Asrdr).<br />

Mirza Muhammad gives, on the authority of the historian adh-<br />

Dhahabi, two narratives of attempts to discredit the Shaykh made by the<br />

philosophers whom he persecuted. On one occasion, when Sultan Alp<br />

Aislan the Saljuq^and his great Minister Nizamu'1-Mulk visited Hermit,<br />

they alsked him why he cursed Abu'l-Hasan al-Ash'ari, whose doctrines<br />

the Nizamu'1-Mulk* profesjed. After some hesitation he replied, "I do<br />

not recognize al-Ash'ari; him only I curse who does not believe that<br />

God is in .Heaven." On another occasion they produced a little copper<br />

> image, which, as they told the King, Ansari's anthropomorphism led<br />

him to worship, bu't he, being summoned and accused, so vehemently<br />

denied this calumny thit the King, convinced of his innocence, dismissed<br />

him with honour and punished his detractors.<br />

1 See pp. 1-3 of Nassau Lees's edition of this work. Mirza Muhammad informs<br />

me that a MS. of these lectures in their ancient original form 'exists in the Niir-i-<br />

'UthrJaniyya Library at Constantinople, and that M. Louis Massignon shewed, him<br />

the copy he had made of the portion referring to the celebrated Sufi al-Hallaj. I suppose<br />

that this is the MS. (No. 2500) to which M. Massignon refers in his striking work<br />

on the Kitdbrit-Tawdsin of al-Hallaj (Paris, 1913), p. 94, n. 4 ad calc.<br />

'<br />

2 Add. 27,520 of the British Museum.<br />

3 Rieu's Pers. Cat., p. 738.<br />

4 Ibid., p. 774.<br />


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