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3. Abu'l- Abbds Ma'mun ibn Ma'miin ibn Muhammad Khwdrazms'ndh,<br />

the her (o of Anecdote XXXVI, who was likewise a generous friend to<br />

men of learning, and, like his brother, was married to one of Sultas,<br />

Mahmiid's sisters. He continued for some time on friendly terms with<br />

this ambitious potentate, who/ however, finally ordered him to recognize<br />

him as his ov^r-lord and insert his name *ri the khutba, -<br />

This<br />

Abu<br />

'l-'Afclfis Ma'miin consented to do, but after the departure of the envoy<br />

to Ghazna his nobles rose and murdered him in 407/1016-7 when he<br />

was only thirty-two years of age.<br />

4. AbuU-Hdrith Muhammad ibn lAH ibn Mdmitn ibn Muhammad*-<br />

1 Khwdrazmshdh.<br />

He succeeded to the throne on the murder of his uncle, but no long<br />

while had elapsed when Sultan Mahmtid, on the pretext of avenging his<br />

murdered brother-in-law, invaded and annexed Khwarazm and carried<br />

off as hostages or captives the survivor^ of the family. This happened<br />

in 408/1017-8, ahd the event was celebrated by 'Unsurf in a 'qasida of<br />

which the opening lines are quoted by the editor 1 . The historian Abu<br />

2<br />

'1-Fadl-i-Bayhaqi in his Ta'rfM-t-Mas'tidf gives an account of theie<br />

events based on a lost work of Abil Rayhan al-Biritni's on the "Notables<br />

of Khwarazm" (Mashdhir-i-Khwdrazni). From this it appears that<br />

al-Biriini spent seven years (A.H. 400-407 =A.D. 1010-1017) at the<br />

Court of Abu'l- 'Abbas, where he held various offices, and was conversant<br />

with all the circumstances which led up to his death.<br />

In conclusion Mirza Muhammad observes that the Qadi Ahmad-i-<br />

Ghaffari, probably misled by the Trfrikh-i-Guzida (p. 389 of the Gibb<br />

facsimile), in his NusakJ'-i-Jahdn-drd confuses the dynasty discusseo. in<br />

this note with the Farighiini family who acted as viceroys first for the<br />

Samanids and then for the Ghaznawis in Juzjan.<br />

Note XXX. Shahinshah 'Ala'u'd-Dawla.<br />

i (Text, p. 82; Persian notes, p. 251.)<br />

The Amir 'Ala'u'd-Dawla Husamu'd-Din Abti Ja'far Muhammad ibn<br />

Dushmanziyar ruled over Isfahan and the adjacent districts from<br />

398/1007-8 to 433/1041-2, in which latter year he died. His father<br />

Dushmanziyar was the maternal uncle of Sayyida,

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