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al-Jiizjam was thenceforth constantly with him until his death in 428/1037,<br />

always t urginghim to record his knowledge in books while he lived, and<br />

preserving these writings from destruction after his tfeath. For Avicenfia;.<br />

'<br />

at recorded in the Chahdr Maqdla (p. 92 supra), distracted by the rival<br />

claims of learning, pleasure and statecraft, enjoyed little leisure and<br />

tranquillity, ai\d when he wrote a book wouM* often giVe the original to<br />

the ^)rson who had asked him to write' it without keeping a copy for<br />

himself. After his death al-Jdzjani sought out these scattered writings ,<br />

wherever they could be found and arranged and edited them, while 1<br />

in<br />

other cases he actually assisted in their composition. Thus the Ddnishndma-t-'A/d't<br />

1<br />

Avicenna's ,<br />

1 most important Persian work, composed Vor<br />

and dedicated to 'Ala'u'd-Dawla Abd Ja'far KakUya, was designed to<br />

treat of Logic, Metaphysics, Natural Science, Mathematics, Astronomy,<br />

Music and Arithmetic; but after his death only the first* three sections<br />

could be found. The missing portions were therefore compiled and<br />

translated by al-Juzjani from the Shifd and other Arabic works of his<br />

master, and the lacuna thus filled. We also owe to al-Jiizjani' the continuation<br />

of Avice/ma's autobiography from the time of their first<br />

meeting in Jurjan down to his death. The full text of this is given l?y<br />

2 3<br />

Ibn Abi Usaybi'a and an abridgement of it .<br />

by al-Qifti<br />

'<br />

1 1 . Sayyid Isma // Ju rjdni.<br />

This is probably the first Muslim physician who used the Persian<br />

language chiefly or exclusively in writing on scientific subjects, or at<br />

least the first whose works have come down to us. He gives his<br />

^name<br />

and genealogy as follcvws in the Introduction to his Dhak'/itr'a-i-<br />

Khwdrazmshdhi* : Isma'il ibnu'l- Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad<br />

al-Husayni al-Jurjani. Fonahn 8<br />

gives his father's name as Ahmad<br />

instead of al-Hasan, his laqab as Zaynu'd-Din, and his kunya as Abii<br />

Ibrahim: while Rieu 6<br />

transposes Muhammad and Ahmad in his pedigrAe;<br />

and Leclerc 7 calls him Abu'l-Fada'il and Sharafu'd-Din. Little is<br />

known of his life except that he came to Khwarazm (Khiva) and<br />

entered the service of Qutbu'd-Din Muhammad Khwarazmshah in<br />

504/1110-1111, composed the four medical works (Aghrdd, Dhakhira,<br />

Khuffi and Yddgdr) mentioned in the Chahdr Mgqdla, and died- at<br />

Ivierv in or about the year 531/1136-7.<br />

The contents of the Aghrddu't-Tibb*("Avn:s of Me*dicine"), composed<br />

for the Minister of Atsiz Khwarazmshah (reigned A.D. 1127-1156), and<br />

the manuscripts of it existing in different libraries are fully described by<br />

Fonahn 8<br />

, as are the Khuffi-i-'Aid i* (composed in A.D. 1113) and the^<br />

Yddgdr-i-Tibb ("Medical Memoranda") 10<br />

, which deals 'with Pharmaco-'<br />

1 As already noted, the text was lithographed in India in 1309/1891-2, but is<br />

rare. Mr A. G. Ellis most kindly placed his copy at my disposal.<br />

Mirza Muhammad<br />

mentions two MSS. in the British Museum, -viz. Add. 16,830 and Add. 16,659,<br />

b b<br />

ff. 258 ~342 , and there is another, Or. 16,830. See Rieu's Pers. Cat., pp. 433-434.<br />

-<br />

Tabaqdtu'l-Atibbd, ii, 3<br />

pp. 4-9<br />

Pp. 417-426 of edition.<br />

Lippert's<br />

* in an old thirteenth century MS. of Books I-III of this work in my possession.<br />

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