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1 ><br />


and the victory of the Egyptians led by Qjituz al-Maliku'1-Muzaffar over<br />

the Tartars at 'Ayn Jaliit in A.D. 1260, these predictions being based on<br />

astrological considerations connected with the conjunction* of Jupiter and,<br />

Saturn in Capricorn " the Mansion of Saturn." Another poem contains'<br />

medical advice as to the treatment of an ulcer on the forehead addressed<br />

to the Wa2ir Abu Talib a'i>'Alawi, who had consulted ^yicenna on this<br />

subject, in similar verses 1 . There are also some remarkable ve?s^s in<br />

. praise of wine, which is compared to "blood of gold," the Christian<br />

Trinity, and the First Cause. His literary activity was prodigious ahd<br />

varied, extending to almost every branch of letters and learning, as may<br />

be seen by glancing at the lists of his works g"iven by Ibn Abi Usaybi'a' 2<br />

and Brockelmann. Of these only three are specifically mentioned in the<br />

Chahdr Maqdla, namely th,e Kitdbu'l-Mabda'wa'l-Ma^dd, quoted by<br />

Mirza Muharhmad 3<br />

from the British Museum MS.; the book entitled<br />

" How to guard against various mistakes in medical treatment," printed<br />

at Bulaq in the margins of ar-Razi's Mandfi^u^l-aghdhiya wa daf'u<br />

maddrri-hd under the title of Daf'u'l-maddrri'l-kulliyya 'anfl-abddmUinsdniyya*<br />

and the ;<br />

Qdnun, the largest and most fc,mous of Avicenna's<br />

medical, writings. In the preparation of the FitzPatrick lectures on<br />

"Arabian Medicine'' which I delivered at the Royal College of Physicians<br />

in November 1919 and 1920, and which will I hope be published<br />

in the course of 1921, I made use of the fine but not very correct edition<br />

printed at Rome in A.D. 1593, but there is also a Biilaq edition in two<br />

volumes. A good account of the various editions and Latin translations<br />

will be found in Dr Ludwig Choulant's Handbuch der Biicherkunde fur<br />

di", Altere Medicin (Leipzig, 1841), pp. 359-368. See also Moritz Stein-<br />

schneider's Die Europdischen Ubersetzungen aul dem Arabischen bis Mitte<br />

des 17 Jahrhundcrts b<br />

in the Index s.v. " Avicenna."<br />

In Anecdote XXXVIII the narrator, Abii Kalanjar, mentions four<br />

other disciples of Avicenna, concerning three of whom Mirza Muhammad<br />

gives some* valuable information in the Persian notes on pp.<br />

ro vvo.<br />

Bahmanyar's full name was Abu'l-Hasan Bahmanyar ibn Marzuban<br />

al-Adharbayjani al-Majiisi, and he died in 458/1066. A few of his<br />

writings exist in manuscript, and two of his metaphysical treatises were<br />

ibn Muhammad<br />

printed at Leipzig in A.D. 185 1. Abii Mansiir al-Husayn<br />

ibn 'TJmar ibn Zila^al- Isfahan! died in 440/1048-9. The assertion that<br />

he was a Zoroastrlan is unsupported by evidence, and, in view of the<br />

names of, his father and grandfather, appears very improbable 8 . There<br />

exist in the British Museum MSS. of two of his treatises, one on Music,<br />

entitled tfl-Kdfi (Or. 2361), and the other a Commentary on Avicenna's<br />

Story ofHayy ibn Yaqzdn.<br />

Far more important than these two was Abii ^Ubayd Abdul-Wahid ibn<br />

Muhammad al-Juzjani, who first became acquainted with Avicenna in<br />

Avicenna was then about thirty-two years old, and<br />

Jurjan ^403/10 1 2-3 7 .<br />

1<br />

Vol. ii, p. 14.<br />

3<br />

See p. TS of the Persian notes.<br />

2<br />

Loc- fit-) pp- 18-20.<br />

*<br />

Ibid., p. rrv.<br />

6 Published in two parts with separate pagination in the Sitzungsberichte d. fi~ats.<br />

Akad. d. Wissensch. (Philos.-histor. Klasse}, Vienna, 1904 and 1905.<br />

6<br />

Compare, however, note 2 at the foot of p. 154 supra.<br />

1 Mirza Muhammad has established this date from the writings of both Avicenna and<br />

al-Juzjani. See Persian notes, pp.<br />

Ver \\ ad cole. ,<br />


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