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i<br />

, (ib)<br />

152<br />

f<br />


(8) De passionibus intestinorum.<br />

(a) De clisteribus et morbis matricis.<br />

tr c<br />

De passionibus renum. <<br />

(i i) De passionibus vesice> hernia, vermibus et cabbo(?) emorroidibus<br />

et spermate. f _<br />

(f 3) De arthetica et varjcibus.<br />

(13) De squirros et aliis apostematibus.<br />

(14) De eo quod dissolvit saniem.<br />

(15) De dislocatione e,t minutione. <<br />

(16) De prognosticis et summa febrium.<br />

(17) De effimera et ethica (for ectica).<br />

(18) De quotidiana, quartana, rigore et aliis.<br />

(19) De crisi.<br />

,<br />

(20) De urina et venenis.<br />

(21) De simplicibus medicinis, incipiendo a Camomille usque ad<br />

Dausar.<br />

*<br />

(22) De simplicibus medicinis, incipiendo a Dausar usque ad<br />

Cordumeni.<br />

(23) De simplicibus medicinis, incipiendo a Cordumeni complet<br />

totum.<br />

(24) De electionibus et sophisticationibus medicinarum simplicium<br />

tabula.<br />

(25) De regimine sanitatis.<br />

Since the Hdivi or "Continens" must be regarded as the most<br />

important work of the greatest of "Arabian" physicians, access to the<br />

original text would be an essential condition of success in any detailed<br />

and comprehensive study of "Arabian" Medicine. This condition,<br />

unfortunately, is unlikely to be fulfilled, for who would undertake the<br />

labour of editing, or pay the cost of printing, for so large and so crabbed<br />

an exposition of an obsolete science? And even were the difficulty of<br />

finding an editor and a publisher overcome,<br />

'<br />

it is doubtful if the manu-<br />

script materials are sufficient; if, indeed, more thh half the wprk' is<br />

still extant. Of the MSS. I have cfhly been able ta examine cursorily<br />

those in the British Museum and the Bodleian. Laud 2^9 in the<br />

latter is described as containing Part (or Book) I of the work; but<br />

since it deals not only with the diseases of the Brain, but also of the<br />

with Books<br />

Throat, Lungs and Stomach it would appear to correspond<br />

I-V of the Latin translation. Marsh 156 in the same library is<br />

described as containing Books VI and VII, b*ut, to judge by the con-<br />

tents, appears rather to contain Books XVI and XVII. The .third<br />

Bodleian MS., Or. 561, is described by Uri (ii, 162), apparently '<br />

correctly, as containing Books XXIV and XXV, and deals chiefly with<br />

drugs and diet; but beginning with a glossary, alphabetically arranged,<br />

of the different organs and the diseases to which they are subject,<br />

followed by the Kitdbu haUCr-Rumiiz wa Saydalatft-Tibb on Materia<br />

Medica, and "Rules for the use of foods and drinks for the preservation<br />


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