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" "<br />

his great work the Hdwi (or Continens tof mediaeval Europe), so far<br />

as I can judge from the portions of it accessible to me the<br />

ijn original<br />

Arabic, stands on ah altogether different plane from the Qdnun of<br />

Avicenna or any other Arabic system of Medicine.<br />

*<br />

The year of Razi's birth is not<br />

recorded^<br />

but he seems to have spent<br />

the first thirty years of his Sfe his<br />

jn<br />

native town of Ray(situated near<br />

the modern Persian capital Tihran), from which he derived the naHTte by<br />

. which he is generally known, without becoming famous for anything<br />

except an unusual skill in music and singing. He was then seized wim<br />

a to<br />

Desire study Medicine and Philosophy, went to Baghdad, and there<br />

became the pupil of 'Ali ibn Rabban 1<br />

at-Tabari, formerly physician to<br />

the unfortunate Persian rebel Mazyar and afterwards to the Caliph al-<br />

Mutawakkil, for who.ui in A.I}. 850 he composed his remarkable work<br />

the " Paradise of Wisdom "<br />

(Firdawsu'l-Hikmaf). Having completed<br />

his medical studies he became first<br />

director<br />

of the hospital at Ray and<br />

2<br />

then at . Baghdad He also devoted some attention^<br />

to Alchemy, on<br />

3<br />

12 books but , the study brought him no luck, for,<br />

which he composed<br />

being unable to translate his theories into practice, he was struck on the<br />

fyead by Jiis disappointed patron Manstir, governor of Ray, in consequence<br />

of which he became blind. He refused to undergo an operation on his<br />

eyes on ascertaining that the surgeon who was to it perform was ignorant<br />

of the anatomy of the eye, adding afterwards that he had looked on the<br />

world until he was tired of it.<br />

The marvellous acumen displayed and the wonderful cures effected<br />

by him form the subject of numerous anecdotes similar in character to<br />

Nry XXXV in this book in such collections of stories as the Arabic<br />

al-Faraj ba'-da'sh-Shidda ("Joy after Sorrow ")*of at-Tamikhi 4 and the<br />

Persian JawdrnfuU-Hikdydt of 'Awfi.<br />

Razf was a most prolific writer, and Qifti (pp. 274-7) enumerates<br />

more than a hundred of his works, most of which, unfortunately, are<br />

lost, while only a very few have been printed in the original, to wit his<br />

celebrated treatise on small-pox and measles 5<br />

his work on stone in the<br />

kidneys<br />

6<br />

and bladder , and the anatomical<br />

,<br />

portion of the Manstiri 7 .<br />

"Latin versions of the Hdwi ("Continens"), Mansurt ("Liber ad<br />

Almansorem "), and various smaller works were made and widely read<br />

in 'mediaeval Europe, and were in many cases printed during the<br />

fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. They are enumerated by Dr Ludwig<br />

Choulant his Jn Handbuch der Biicherkunde fur die Altere Medicin<br />

(Leipzig, 1841), pp. 340-5. One of the most interesting of Razi's minor<br />

works, in which he discusses the reasons why quacks often enjoy<br />

1 His father's rftinie & often wrongly given as Zayn (^>~jj), but he explicitly states<br />

in the Introduction to his Firdawsul-Hikmat, or "Paradise of Wisdom," that he was<br />

called Rabban "that is to<br />

(\^-)j), say, our master and teacher." Ibn Ahi Usaybi'a<br />

(i, 1 86) explains the title in precisely the same sense.<br />

2 3<br />

Qifti, p. 271.<br />

Ibid., p. 272.<br />

4 See the edition of this work printed at the Hilal Press, Cairo, in 1903, vol. ii,<br />

p. 96. The author was born in 327/938-9 and died in 384/994-5.<br />

6 De Variolis et Morbillis, arabice et latine, cura John Chatming (London, 1766).<br />

6 Trait^ sur le Calcnl dans les Reins et dans la Vessie...traduction accomfagnte du<br />

texte p"ar P. de Koning (Leyden, 1896).<br />

7 Trots Traites d'Anatomie arabes...tfxte et traduction par P. de Koning (Leyden,<br />

pp. 2-89.<br />

i<br />


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