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146<br />

v<br />


Concerning the original Bukht-Yishu' I can find out nothing,<br />

,<br />

but it<br />

may he supposed that he", like his son Jurjis, was attached to the great<br />

hospital (JBimdristdn) and medical school of hh native town Jurtdir<br />

Sabur. This once famous Persian city, of f<br />

which hardly a trace now<br />

Rawlinso^as the modern<br />

remains, though its site has been identified by<br />

Shah-abad, about mid-way between Dizful ttrfU Shiishtar, was originally<br />

2<br />

fouwded by Shapiir I, and named, according to Tabari Beh-az-Andew-<br />

,<br />

i-Shdpur, or " Shapiir's 'Better than Antioch,'" a name gradually<br />

shortened to Gunde-Shapur, or, in its Arabic form, Junday-Sabiir.<br />

*-'<br />

It<br />

was enlarged into a great city," says Rawlinson, " by his seventh successor<br />

Shapiir II ' Dhu' l-Aktdf (A.D. 309-379). ..and during his reign<br />

became the see of a bishop of the Nestorian Church which had been<br />

instituted in Susiana a century before ; r and when Jundi-Sabiir soon<br />

afterwards rose to be the chief city of the province, the seat of the<br />

metropolitan, which had been formerly fixed at Ahwaz, or, as it is called<br />

f<br />

by the Syrians, ^eth Lapat 3 was transferred to it. The School of , Jundi-<br />

Sabiir was renowned, during the reign of Anrisharwan (A.D. 531-578),<br />

and the city continued, to the time of the<br />

through the East a,nd West ;<br />

Arab conquest, one of the great capitals of Susiana. It appears to have c<br />

sunk before the rising greatness of Shiishtar in the thirteenth century ;<br />

and it is little mentioned in Oriental History after that time."<br />

On the destruction of the great Persian school of Edessa in A.D. 488-9<br />

by order of the 4<br />

Emperor Zeno many of its learned Nestorian professors<br />

and physicians sought refuge from Byzantine fanaticism under the more<br />

tolerant rule of the Sasanians at Jundi-Sabiir, and gave a fresh impulse<br />

to its activity. During the Arab invasion of Persia (A.H. 15-^7;<br />

A.D. 636-8) it surrendered on terms to the Muslims 5<br />

, and its school<br />

apparently continued unmolested until the early 'Abbasid period, when<br />

the Caliph al-Mansiir (A.H. 136-158; A.D. 754-775), being grievously<br />

ill, summoned Jurjis I, son of Bukht-Yishu' I, to Baghdad, where he<br />

remained, greatly trusted and honoured, in spite of his refusal to forsake<br />

the Christian for the Muhammadan faith, until A.H. 152 (A.D. 769),<br />

when, being himself sick unto death, he obtained the Caliph's permission<br />

to return home. From that time onwards until the middle of the eleventh<br />

century some member of the family was always one of the chief phyficians<br />

of the Court at Baghdad. Lengthy notif^'s of most of those<br />

enumerated above, with lists of their medical and o{her works, are given<br />

For such<br />

by Qifti, Ibn Abi Usaybi'a and other medical biographers.<br />

as do not read Arabic the information given by Wiistenfeld (pp. 14-18)<br />

and Leclerc (i, pp. 95-103) will probably suffice. It is uncertain whether<br />

the Bukht-Yishu' mentioned in the text Anecdote ( .XX^CII is<br />

I) intended<br />

to be the father or the son of Jibra'il. The former died twelve years<br />

before al-Ma'miin's accession, while the latter''survived him thirty-seven<br />

years.<br />

1 Notes on a March from Zohdb to Khuzistdn in theyi.A'. Geogr. Soc. for 1839,<br />

vol. ix, pp. 71-72. See also Layard's remarks in vol. xvi, p. 86, of the same Journal.<br />

12 See Noldeke's Gesch. d. Pers. u. Arab, zur Zeit d. Sasaniden (Leyden, 1879),<br />

pp. 40-4?.<br />

3 See Noldeke, loc. cit,<br />

* See Dr W. Wright's Syriac Literature, pp. 46-47.<br />

5 See Baladhuri's Futthrfl-Bulddn (ed. de Goeje), pp. 382-385.

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