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145<br />

1<br />

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order. For the authorities to which reference is most constantly made<br />

the following abbreviations are used. By Ba'rhebraeus 1<br />

is meant the<br />

*M'hkhtasaru'd-Duu'ai>(BeycQ\it ed. of 1890) of Gregorius Abu'l-Faraj ibn, '<br />

Ahrun commonly called Ib*nu'l-'Ibri or Barhebraeus. The Fihrist *i<br />

Abu'l-Faraj Muhammad ibn Abi Ya'qiib Ishaq an-Na'dim al-Warraq is,<br />

of course, quoted from Hfigel's (the only) edition. Ibn Abi Usaybi'a<br />

><br />

1<br />

means that author's 'Uytinu'l-inbdfi Tabaq&ti l-Atibbd, Cairo edition of<br />

, 1299/1882, two volumes. Qifti means Jamalu'd-Din Abu'l-Hasan 'All<br />

'ibn' Ytisuf al-Qifti's Ta'Hkhu'l-Hukamd,tA. Lippert (Leipzig, 1903). Trie<br />

chief European authorities quoted are Wiistenfeld's Geschichte der<br />

Arabischen Aerzte und Naturforscher (Gottin'gen, 1840), a small book<br />

but compact with useful information; Lucien Leclerc's Histoire de la<br />

Medecine Arabe (2 vqls., Parjs, 1876); Max Neuburger's Geschichte<br />

der Medizin ("Stuttgart, 1908), especially vol. ii, pp. 142-228, "Die<br />

Medizin beiden Arabern," and the complementary Literarhislorische Uber-<br />

sicht ; Pagel's Einfiihrungin die Geschichte der Medizin (Berlin, 1898),<br />

ninth lecture (pp. 146-160) on Arabian Medicine; Xdolf Fonahn's<br />

Zur Quellenknnde der Persischen Medizin (Leipzig, 1910) ; E. T.<br />

Withington's Medical History from the earliest times (London, 1894);<br />

a.nd F. H. Garrison's Introduction to the History of Medicine (London<br />

and Philadelphia, 1917)- As a rule, however, in these brief notes reference<br />

will only be made to the original Arabic sources.<br />

i. Sukht-Yishtf.<br />

Ten members of this great medical family, which fof three centuries<br />

(eighth to eleventh of our era) produced some of the most eminent<br />

physicians of that time, are enumerated by -Wiistenfeld (pp. 14-18,<br />

Nos. 26-35). They were Christians, as indicated by the family name,<br />

for the correct explanation of which ( Bukht- Yishti' = "Jesus hath de-<br />

livered") we are indebted to Noldeke 1 . The<br />

chief members of the<br />

family, with their affiliation, so far as it is known, were as follows :<br />

i. Bukhl-YishA 1<br />

i. Jurjis* I<br />

(physician to al-Mansiir, d. 152/769)<br />

H 3. Bukht- YisM' II<br />

(physician 19 -Mahdi, -Hadi and Haninu'r-Rashid, d. 185/801)<br />

4. Jibrcfil (physician to Haninu'r-Rashid, 5. Jurjis II<br />

-Amin and -Ma'mun, d. 213/828-9)<br />

6. Bukht^Yish^ III (physician to<br />

-Mu'tazz, d. 256/870)<br />

I<br />

8. Yahyd or Yuhannd<br />

10. Bukht-Yishu 1<br />

'<br />

><br />

IV (physician to<br />

-Muqtadir, d. 329/940-1)<br />

I<br />

I<br />

7.<br />

'<br />

Ubaydii 1<br />

llah<br />

(physician to -Muttaqi)<br />

9. Jibratt (physician to 'Adudu d-<br />

Dawla, d. 397/1006-9)<br />

I<br />

n. Abu Sa'td '<br />

Ubayddlldh<br />

(d. 450/1058-9)<br />

1 See p. 8 1 supra, n. i ad calc.<br />

"<br />

Wiistenfeld (p. 14), following Ibn Abi Usaybi'a (i, 123), inserts a Jibra'il between<br />

Jurjis and Bukht- Yishu', but Qifti (p. 158 etc.) represents Jurjis<br />

I as the son, not the<br />

of Bukht- Yishu' I.<br />

,<br />

grandson,<br />

B.<br />

I<br />


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