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I H3 ,<br />

putridity is the cause, while the hurt thereof is through the intervention<br />

of that heat which is produced from it. Arid the natural functions,<br />

wherein the hurt of fr)ver becomes apparent, are such as the appetke for,<br />

food and wine, digestion, rising up, sitting down, going, eating, sexual<br />

intercourse, and the like thereof."<br />

, j ><br />

The next (second) chapter, deals with the different kinds of fever,<br />

and is too long (3 pages) to be translated in Tull here. The human Body<br />

'.is Compounded of three sorts of substances; (i) basic tissues such as<br />

the bones, nerves and blood-vessels; (2) the marrow of the bones, the<br />

blood, and other liquids contained in the<br />

vessels and cavities of the<br />

body, such as the phlegm, bile and black bile, known as the 'humours';<br />

(3) the natural, animal or vital, and psychic spirits, and the vapours<br />

diffused throughout the body.' This composite body the ancients have<br />

likened to a hot bath, whereof the walls, bricks and stones are represented<br />

by the bones, nerves and bloocVvessels the water ; by the marrow, the<br />

blood, aad the humours and the steam ; by the natural, animal and<br />

psychic spirits, and the vapours. When the heat of the fever attacks the<br />

basic tissues of the it body, is like the heat of the finj affecting the walls,<br />

jtones and bricks of the hot bath ; and this kind of fever is called<br />

'<br />

hectic '<br />

(diqq). When it first attacks the humours and subsequently the<br />

basic tissues, it is like the hotjwater being let into the chambers of the<br />

bath and heating the walls and this kind of fever is called 'humoristic'<br />

;<br />

(khaltiyya). When it attacks the spirit and the vapours, which in turn<br />

heat the humours and the tissues, it is like the hot air in the bath heating<br />

in turn the water and the walls thereof and this kind of fever is called<br />

;<br />

1<br />

Arab, hummd yawm"'\<br />

'quotidian' (Pers. tab-i-yak-ruza ;<br />

This is one classification. Another is into '<br />

simple '<br />

(basft) and<br />

'<br />

compound '<br />

(murakkab\ according as one humour only is involved, or<br />

more than one. Thirteen kinds of fever are recognized, viz. :<br />

(1) That which is in itself an independent disease.<br />

(2) That which is the symptom of some other disease.<br />

(3) Very high<br />

(4)<br />

'<br />

fever called acute '<br />

(hddda).<br />

'<br />

The slower and heavier fever called chronic '<br />

>(5) That which attacks by day.<br />

(6j That which attacks by night.<br />

(7) That which passes 'away easily.<br />

(muzmina).<br />

(8) 'Fevers which are fierce in their onset and accompanied by<br />

alarming symptoms.<br />

(9) Continjous'fevers (Idzim or mutbiqa).<br />

(10) Non-continuous fevers (muftira).<br />

(n) old fevers.<br />

(12) Fevers accompanied by rigors (Pers. larza; Arab, ndfid, ra'da).<br />

(13.) Fevers accompanied by 'goose-skin' (Pers. fardshd; Arab.<br />

qash'artra).<br />

T,hese, says the author, are the broad general divisions,' each of<br />

which contains subdivisions which will be treated of in subsequent<br />

chapters. Fevers of the type called " putrid " l<br />

( q/!n, in Persian ganda or<br />


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