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141<br />

(3) The time or duration of each movement (zamdnu kulli harakat<br />

in<br />

, "quod ex tempore cujuscunque motionis sumptum est"), This<br />

also comprises<br />

1* three<br />

varieties, the quick (sari\ "velox'"), the>slow,<br />

(bati\ " '<br />

tardus "), and the intermediate (" aequalis "). a<br />

(4) Resistance to the tpuch (qiwdmu'l-dfyt, " quod ex essentia instrumenti<br />

sumitur "). Here als*o we have three varieties, thte soft (layyin,<br />

" "<br />

mollis "), the hard (salb, durus ") and the intermediate (" mediocrte ").<br />

{5) Emptiness or fulness (hdlu md yahtawi 'a/ay/ii min khaldihi wa<br />

'mtild'ihi, "quod est sumptum ex eo quod continetur "), three varieties,<br />

the* full (mumtali\ "plenus"), the empty (khdli, "vacuus") and the<br />

intermediate (" mediocris ").<br />

(6) Heat or cold (harru malmasihi wa barduhu, "quod ex suo tactu<br />

sumptum est *), three "<br />

varieties, the hot (hdrr, calidus "), the cold<br />

(bdrid, " frigidus ") and the intermediate (" temperatus ").<br />

(7) The duration of the pause (zamdnu' s-sukun, "quod est sumptum<br />

ex tempore quietis "), three varieties, the continuous (mutawdtir, also<br />

called mutaddrik and mutakdthif, "frequens," "consequens" or "spissus"),<br />

the differentiated (mutajdwit, also called mutardkhi and mutakhalkhil,<br />

"rams," "lassus" or "resolutus"), and the intermediate ("mediocris").<br />

(8) The equality or diversity of the pulse (istiwd'u'n-nabdi wa<br />

'khtildfuhu, "quod est sumptum ex aequalitate et diversitate," "aut aequale,<br />

aut diversum seu inaequale"), two varieties, equal (mustaw, "aequalis")<br />

and unequal (mukhtalif, " diversus ").<br />

,,(9) The regularity or irregularity of the pulse (an-nizdm wa ghayru'nnizdm,<br />

" genus quod ex ordinatione et inordinatione sumptum est "),<br />

two varieties, regularly different (mukhtalif muntazim, " diverse ordinatus")<br />

and irregularly different (mukhtalif ghayru muntazim, "diverse<br />

inordinatus ").<br />

'<br />

(10) Weight, harmony or measure (wazn, " quod ex pondere est<br />

sumptum "), which may be either good or bad, each of which comprises<br />

three varieties.<br />

It will thus be seen that 37 primary varieties of pulse are recognized,<br />

bu*> there are man? secondary and composite types which it would take<br />

too loflg to enumerate. Speaking of the latter in the first group or geniB<br />

mentioned above Avicenna says that some only are named, such as<br />

j<br />

al-'azim (' 'magnus") and as-saghir ("parvus"), al-ghaltz ("grossus")<br />

and ar-raqiq (" subtilis :<br />

') ; and the next section but one ( iii) treats of<br />

the different sorts of composite pulse which have proper na.mes, such as<br />

'<br />

al-ghazdli ("gazellanV), a/-wazey'/("undosus "), a^-^///("vermiculosus"),<br />

an-namli (" formicans "),><br />

etc. Very full treatment is accorded to the<br />

whole subject, and in it particular is explained why the pulse is felt at<br />

, the wrist' preferably to any other place, and what precautions should<br />

be observed in it. feeling The remarks about the observing of the<br />

systole ascribed by our author to Avicenna appear to be really quoted<br />

by him from<br />

" '<br />

Galen : Galenus quoque dixit longo tempore non' fui<br />

sollioitus ex : depressione postea vero non quievi tangendo doifec ex eo<br />

aliquid percepi, et postea illud complevi. Nam postea portae pulsus mihi<br />

apertae fuerunt '."<br />

,<br />

I<br />

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'<br />


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