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1<br />


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(Extracts from firsPletUr. )<br />

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"The hyleg (hayldj) in astrology is the vital point, or 'giver of* life.'<br />

This is considered to be either the sun, or, the moon, ,or the ascendant.<br />

In order to be hyleg, the sun or moon must occupy either the gth, loth,<br />

or nth houses, or else the* aspendant or 7th house. Ify e.g., the sun<br />

occupies one of these positions and the modn does not, then the sun is<br />

hyleg or life-giver. If, on the other hand, they both occupy such ,a<br />

position, then the one that is most predominant or most elevated, would<br />

be Jiyleg, i.e., if the sun occupied the loth house and the moon the nth,<br />

the sun would be hyleg, and vice versa. If neither sun nor moora occupy<br />

any of these positions, it is usual to take the ascending degree as hyleg,<br />

but some of old t^ie astrologers would regard the dominant planet as<br />

hyleg under such circumstances. It must not be supposed from this that<br />

when the sun is hyleg the moon has therefore no influence on the constitu-<br />

tion. The moon in any case has to do with the digestion and various<br />

matters of this kind, and the sun is in any case the ruler of the heart<br />

apd therefore always important. The sun, however,might be violently<br />

nfflicted though the health might not be seriously if it endangered, did<br />

not occupy the position of hyleg. The same would apply to the moon.<br />

I think, other things being equal, the moon is to be regarded as having<br />

more influence with a woman and the sun with a man. Alcohoden is<br />

merely another name for hyleg, but is not used nowadays.<br />

" As regards the other words, I have never heard of them. I have<br />

however little doubt that the last, sahmu's-sa'ddat, is the Arabic term<br />

forthfe '<br />

Part of Fortune.' Some old astrologers attached a good deal of<br />

Part<br />

importance to this, without, I imagine, much 'justification. The '<br />

of Fortune '<br />

is that part of the horoscope where the moon would be if the<br />

sun were exactly rising. The '<br />

Part of Fortune '<br />

was supposed to refer to<br />

the wealth and property of the '<br />

native.' Ptolemy laid great stress on it,<br />

but the author of the Text-book of Astrology remarks that '<br />

it must J>e<br />

'<br />

rejected from a rational system of genethlialogy.'<br />

'"Part of Mystery' (sahmu'l-ghayfr) conveys no meaning, and I do not<br />

think anything can be found corresponding to this in the astrological<br />

boqks at present Available. The only suggestion I can make is that it<br />

mightjConceivably be the opposite point in the '<br />

horoscope to the Part<br />

of Fortune.' But this is pure conjecture and may be entirely on the<br />

wrong track. It looks as if the Arabs had some tradition here which<br />

does not find its place in any astrological books extant."<br />

*<br />

(Extract from second letter?)<br />

"Thank you for yours of the 2gth May. I think it might be a help<br />

if you st?ht me a copy of the book in question. I have, however, read<br />

so much on the subject of astrology that I question whether there is any<br />

likelihood of my being able to throw '<br />

light on the Part of the Unseen.'<br />

I cannot think there is any reference to it in any known author on the<br />

subject. Astrologers of the present day look upon Neptune as the<br />

planet that gives psychic powers, and this is unquestionably correct.<br />

In the case of people who have clairvoyant gifts, etc., or are mediumistic<br />


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